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Posts posted by kalipay

  1. ... any loving parent would want laws in place to ensure that their children were taken care of should anything happen to them.

    No. A large factor missing here is the community. Were America more like it was where people had relationships with each other, and neighbors knew and cared for each other the state would have ever so much less to do internally, and could concentrate a whole darn lot more on what it ought to be doing for our borders and protection. Laws generally complicate things.

    The state has a responsibility to ensure the safety and welfare of children despite idiocy on the parents' part. When concerns arise over the condition, treatment, or care of a child, the state has a responsibility to investigate.involved, the child was returned immediately to the family.

    NOOOOO. The state does NOT have that responsibility. The state is NOT to be the "big brother".

    A fact that seems to be ignored is that the child was in a legitimate accident. There was no issue of abuse here, the mechanism of injury was clear. (And if the EMTs didn't hear or figure out what it was they were irresponsible...) He fell while "horsing around". This wasn't at all a suspicious injury. So what was there to report except for a refusal to sign by a dad who was mad at people trespassing and ignoring him?

    Asys, it seems like most everybody agrees with part of what you're saying. However, I haven't seen coverage on this issue hardly at all!!! I had only seen ONE article until coming here and following more of the links on it. So this really wasn't deemed newsworthy either, apparently. The media can't put these stories out... they're part of the police-state conspiracy. :? :lol: Also, this family could hardly be called middle class. They were living in a trailer with 6 kids... I can't help the fact that the media is biased, that's not something I can change. (Although

    is a story about a black lady whose kids were taken, an excellent example of protective services gone way amuck.)
  2. I've been a member here for a while, but haven't been on in over a year. I came over here specifically to look for a discussion of this topic... Spenac is doing a great job as far as I can read! =D>

    I'd like a little more information though. Another article that I read on this said that a refusal form was offered to the dad to sign. A quote from an affidavit is from this article:

    I explained … that per our medical/legal protocols that we would have to contact medical control to get a refusal cleared and that if the ER DR cleared it we would have to have a family member sign the refusal.

    Any medics from CO on the site here? Is that true that medical control would have to be contacted to clear a refusal? Usually the pt or a guardian, etc... has to sign the form, check a few boxes, have alot of talking to and the issue is over.

    This incident shows how the USA is turning into a vicious "police state". It's scary.

  3. The Brits use paracetamol? I picked up the use of paracetamol while in Central and South America, but have recently found that it is also the term in much of Asia. The Indians, Pakis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, and all those other guys call it paracetamol too.

    the Philippines, too. i was upset to not find it here in the USA. :?

    ibuprofen has a few different names as well.

  4. i don't like to start a whole new thread for myself, so this place looks good for an intro! :)

    i grew up in the Philippines, have lived in the USA for 2 years only yet. i am currently in EMT-B class, and will take state tests in December. i want the basic training that i'm getting to use when i go overseas again and live in rural, more-or-less remote areas; i also want to be more involved in local communities here in the USA. if i stick around here for a few more years, i might get some paramedic training, so that i'm more prepared for overseas when i'll be in crazy situations with no form of backup whatsoever within about an hour up a mountain on a motorcylce...

    but anyway, being on EMT City has given me a clear glimpse into the EMS culture. i've also learned some things that i hope to apply someday soon here.

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