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Posts posted by wowiee

  1. LUVEMS,

    Not sure where your info is coming from, but some of it is really incorrect. First off, I am on the committe. The meeting that was held in San Francisco was open to everyone, and there were members of the bargining team there, as well as a federal mediator. The final meeting held on Thursday evening had the two available members of the bargining team there, who were very vocal in the final draft of the contract. Our team knew exactly what we would accept, and exactly what we would have turned down. Torren was just our voice, and to be exact, NEMSA's lawyer was the one who did all the talking that night. If we told Torren we wanted Oreo cookies instead of a paycheck, he has to do what we want. It is our contract - Not his.

    you may be right in saying that most of the employees did not want to strike, but if/when it happened, the majority of our work-force was ready to walk. We had a petition with 43 out of 55 employees signing it saying they would not cross that picket line. We had our support. We still do.

    This arguement can go on forever w/ he said/she said. I'm done.

    Thanks to all for your support &/or very vocal opinions! I am happy we didn't have to strike, and even more thrilled that we have a contract at Piners.

  2. but funny that they pulled their strike vote as soon as a contract was signed,DIRTY!!!!

    Okay - first off, not sure who you are but since you used to work there & no longer do, you should agree that the disipline policy (which is what the union was brought in for in the first place) was never fair. Your punishment would vary depending on who you are friends with and what supervisor you hang out with after work.

    Secondly, the strike was called off when the contract was signed because our contract has a No Strike/No Lockout clause, as do most other contracts. Not dirty; LEGAL.

    Yes, Piner's may be slower than some other counties, but since AMR upped staffing in West Co Co county, they are running less calls daily than we do in Napa. I am also employeed by AMR, where I work part time, so my information is not one sided.

    You may not like Torren, or NEMSA, but the majority of the employees at Piners do, which is why we choose them to represent us. We stand by our choices, and are proud. I'm sorry Piner's left such a bitter taste in your mouth; maybe if you were to come work there now that we have a fair contract your experiences would be better.

  3. with a TA, that includes significant payraises (around 14%) .

    i'm not sure where you got your info, but it's wrong...

    We got a 5% across the board raise, the 12 hour units get an additional 3% in September...

    Over the complete course of the contract we will get 3% in 2007 and 3% in 2008. So okay, some employees will see 14% in 2008, but not many. PM's are currently making $13.00 per hour here. Not really what we are worth... Surrounding areas are making $15-21 per hour.

    But please remember that the cost of living in CA goes up around 4-5% per year, so how far will 3% a year take us?

  4. Update from Piner's...

    Our strike was supposed to start Friday AM at 0700. Thursday evening, at 2338pm, the contract was signed, with the employer giving the employees what we wanted (for the most part), plus an additional 1% raise over what the employer originally proposed. (Reminding you all that $$ was NEVER what this was about).

    So, the Piner's drama is over until 2009...

  5. . You say that you will not be punished in any way if you walk or strike. Don't be too sure.

    Okay, so legally we can not be punished, but we understand how that goes. Murder is illegal but people do it anyways. The good thing about being outspoken about the union is you tend to be more protected than if you are a quiet supporter. It is easier to prove (sometimes) that you are being punished for union activity.

    It is a risk, but one i am willing to take because I believe in our movement enough to put my job on the line for it.

  6. As an employee at Piners, and one who is planning to NOT cross a picket line, I feel our reasons have been completely misunderstood. First off, we are not AMR. We are a small, private company that services the Napa Valley in Northern CA.

    We brought NEMSA in to represent us early in 2005. We have been fighting for a contract for over a year and a half. Our employer & lawyer have given us less than 25 negotiating meetings over the past 16 plus months. Ridiculous.

    We are not striking because we are not getting a 17% raise. We are striking in response to multiple unfair labor acts that have been repeated and not fixed. Money never has and never will be our reason for this.

    This strike is legal, and none of the 30+ employees striking will be fired, or punished in any way what-so-ever.

    This strike is supported not only by surrounding ambulance companies, but by our local FD's, PD's, and many citizens.

    This strike will NOT affect the communities. If Piner Ambulance cannot maintain their staffing levels the county of Napa has a contingency plan to bring in another provider until they can figure out what to do with Piner's 911 contract. This will not cause a delay in service. Please people, we are all in this profession for the same reason. Do you really think we would walk away from those who need us without a back up plan?

    If Piner's wants to make the strike go away they have two options: sign the contract, or remedy the unfair labor acts. Very simple.

    We are all entitled to our own opinions, and I do not have bad feelings against people who disagree with my thought process. Please be respectful of ours.

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