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Posts posted by CaptBP

  1. You are right that most accidents don't come out with confirmed injuries. I used poor wording there. The point I was trying to make was that you have been called to the initial accident for a reason and I would not stop to triage the second accident without consulting dispatch first. Basically you have the responsibility to report the incident but the decision to stop and respond to the second accident over the first one is not yours to make.

    They know where they have units assigned.

    You hit the nail on the head. Dispatch can determine if you stopping is for the best. There may be another available unit just around the corner, but then maybe there isn't. The point is that you don't know.

  2. I agree. You should let the dispatcher know of the 2nd accident. There is a confirmed injury at the 1st accident and your skills ARE needed. The accident you pass may or may not need your skills. Either was you are obligated to respond to the call/incident that you are dispatched to. You are also obligated to report the other accident to dispatch. Dispatch will decide which accident to send you to and the decision will be out of your hands.

  3. Paramedic vs RN to become a Flight Paramedic/nurse.

    I'm currently an EMT-B in the state of Maryland and a nursing student. I hope to aspire to become a flight nurse/ paramedic on the medevac. I want to know the best course of action in order to work on the medevac. I know that an RN here can challenge the paramedic exam, but would it be better for me to just get the paramedic certificate now instead of doing the nursing program. I also want to know about how many years as a paramedic/ ER nurse most people spend before they actually become a flight nurse/ paramedic. I'm just wondering what to do with my future and if one route would be more beneficial than the other. Thanks for your input.

  4. I'm a volunteer at a rescue company in a pretty quite area. Our company already has 3 ambulances, 2 of which are less than 5 years old, and we never get hit out for 3 calls, so of course we are selling the oldest ambulance and buying a new one. I just thought I'd let you all know that people can be pretty retarded.

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