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Beach Bum112885

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Posts posted by Beach Bum112885

  1. Thanks for the advice. Actually I would be going to Allan Hancock's also, small world. The fees will probably be the same but financial aid will help a little. Now its Wednesday and Friday nights 4 hours and all day (9 hours) on Saturdays for 8 weeks. Then you just go 8 more if you want your advanced certification I guess. But I only work part time with a flexible schedule at Lompoc Police Dept. so my boss's would rearrange it so I could attend if it all ends up working out, thanks again!

  2. Hello all,

    First time posting on here, great respect for everything you guys do. My situation is this. I am 20 years old and finishing up my Associates. I actually am going into law enforcement, preparing to attend the academy sometime next year (after I can finally get hired, the hiring process are LONG!).

    Anyway I basically have one or two classes left to take this fall semester and something that interests me very much caught my eye. I realized how interesting it could be to become a certified EMT and then go through a police academy. The only thing is that I pretty much have NO experience in first aid. I just had my police department (I work there part time before I go to the academy) put me through Red Cross CPR training and am also about to get certified through an AHA class next week. This will allow me to sign up for the Basic EMT academy that lasts 8 weeks this fall at my local JC and hopefully get certified before I go into the police academy next year.

    Basically I'm just looking into if what I'm trying to do is feasible since up to this point I do not know a lot about EMS , basically all law enforcement up to this point. I also began to think that I could possibly find work as a part time EMT next year if it ends up taking me a very long time to find an police department to sponsor me through an academy. I thought I should see what you guys thought or if I am going to be in over my head. All advice is greatly appreciated, what do you think of a cop trained as an EMT?

    (Sorry this is so long, but I figure the more information you have, the more you guys can help, thanks!)[/font:9c2561b115]

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