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Posts posted by Sapaznak

  1. Hello all! I'm extremely sorry about the very late reply, a lot of things have happened in my personal life since last September, such as almost losing my dad and losing two very dear friends. Long story short, I took a collective of everyone's advice, purchased some online practice tests and did everything in my power to prepare me for the test, and I passed the next time around! Thank you all for your help :) I am extremely proud to be considered an EMT finally, and to work in the EMS field! 

  2. Hello everyone,

    I recently finished EMT school, and I am currently trying to jump over the last hurdle to finally get into a career in EMS. The first time I took the test, I stopped at 120 questions, and didn't pass. I didn't do so well in cardiology and ventilation and that was it, so I went back and studied the crap out of those subjects ( while keeping up on the other subjects as well.) Fast forward a few weeks, through countless hours of studying using online sources, books, apps, and study groups, I go to retake the test. We get a dry- erase laminated sheet of paper and a pen, and as soon as my test started, I wrote down things such as vital ranges, a diagram of blood flow through the heart, different types of shock, and so on. But the questions were completely bizarre! For example, one of them asked

    "When notifying a patients family member that they have deceased, which is the best physical position you should be in?" 

    A ) Across the room from the patient's family member 

    B ) Standing in front of the patient's family member while they are sitting 

    C ) Behind the patient's family member 

    D ) Hovering above the patient's family member


    A lot of the questions were of this nature, and apparently I don't know how to physically position my own self. The test stopped at 71, and I awoke the next morning to find that I need to retake it again.

    Im really quite frustrated/ upset with myself. I've put a lot of time and effort into school and studying for this. I have a passion for helping people and I have grown to admire every aspect of this field of work. I got the do CPR during my ER hours and I knew that this field was for me. Anything at all would really mean/ help a lot :) I admire the hell out of EMS/ Fire, and would love to have a career in this field one day. 


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