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Posts posted by Lumbajackman

  1. I think what it comes down to is not saving the medic in a physical sense, but in a more general sense, especially when in contact with a patient. I originally heard this quote from you of the most humble medics I have ever met, definitely not the "para-god" type at all. He has found that EMT's are the best partners to have because they are so good at the basics, whereas paramedics often times forget about alot of the basic skills and focus only on their advanced skills. I once worked a cardiac arrest with a paramedic who was so focused on administering drugs and getting a line started that they completely forgot about ABC's. EMT's are helpful to have around because so often paramedics get tunnel vision about all the advanced skills they do and can forget about the basic level skills that are able to suffice in 99% of the calls.

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