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Posts posted by scottymedic

  1. Hi all, long time no speak and hope all is well with you all as the silly season approaches.

    I know that the Lifepak 300 is an old piece of equipment but managed to acquire four of these units which in the end will be great to use for training and can give a better experience to students in regards to ECG rhythms with a monitor between two students connected to a simulator bar etc.

    The units all bar one came with printers and fast patch cables. I am putting a request if anyone has any of these units on their bases or anything like that they are wanting to donate parts from or sell items (batteries or quick-combo cables etc) I would love to hear from you. These units would not be used for patient care but will be used in classroom teaching etc.

    Many thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you guys and gals



  2. Hi all, hope all is well with you all. I have done a search to make sure this hasn't been posted before or I haven't posted it and forgotten (old man brain setting in lately so much on to tell).

    Are any first responders (CRF's or industrial rescue squads etc) in your areas utilising LMA'S as part of their airway management techniques? I am asking in the event of cardiac/respiratory arrest and in situations where they may have to move a patient with one in situ.

    I teach this on the CFR course I run (Like the FPOS Intermediate curriculum for my British colleagues or Pre Hospital Emergency Care (PHEC) for others out there. The initial course for all content is four practical days with continual clinical refreshers and updates. I believe these staff can utilise the tools appropriately and wondering if anyone else teaches this or it is part of their curriculum.

    Many thanks and again, hope all well and keeping healthy and happy :)


  3. Greetings one and all, hope everyone is well and keeping somewhat out of mischief.

    I am working on courses at the moment (writing) and one is the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care course (PHEC) the course is designed to run over three days to give the students the qualification of PHEC provider, first responder. Alot of the clientelle in the course are industrial rescue squads. The three day course is the initial acquisition of skills sessions and theory based which then moves onto continuing education modules every 3 to 6 months.

    Has anyone developed pre course material in the digital format (interactive CD's/DVD's, multimedia films or online quizzes)? I am thinking about the material involved and there is alot to cover in three days including assessments for practical skills etc. Does anyone have any advice, tips, links or suggestions for developing such materials?

    I have had alot of positive feedback from students about the course and their knowledge retention is high in the three month and six month testing periods post their initial course.

    Many thanks, look forward to hearing from you guys and gals.


  4. Hi there all, as many of you know, I was a smoker for 7 and a bit years. This year I decided to quit and on January 14th had my last cigarette as a habitual smoker.

    The first couple of weeks I suffered badly with nausea, vomiting, sweating, nightmares and all sorts of symptoms as the nicotine worked its way out of my system. In the last week two weeks I have been having the odd cigarette and the symptoms have been returning after I got through them.

    How many people have had symptoms like this when they quit? What was the the worst part in quitting for you and I guess I need help and support as I am finding this so hard at the moment I thought I could do it, but its getting harder and I'm scared of failing. I have roughly one smoke every couple of days and am trying hard not too, but its like a crutch that I'm falling back to using, Please help me.


  5. Wellington Free does run BLS crews, predominantly as Day care and the E car medics. There is three levels of ILS also, with an adrenaline upskill module and a Morphine module with associated meds of metoclopromide and Narcan. The three ILS levels are across the four main ambulance providers here in NZ.

    In Wellington Free *WFA* everyone who rides the truck from EMT-B up *Nat cert* is referred to as paramedic, you are only differentiated by the ICP patch *intensive care* and it is hard on scene knowing unless you know the crew well, who is ILS, BLS, Upskill. Contact the team, ask for Kelvin McCyver or Don Banks, they were my paramedic instructors and will give some great help where needed.

    The pay differentiates slightly region to region, and if you do rural work, you get extra allowances.

    Good luck and feel free to ask questions also :lol:

    Scotty :lol:

  6. I agree with Kiwi medic on alot of his aspects *heya fellow New Zealander hehe* but some aspects are on a case by case basis and region by region. I started my paramedic training with Wellington free and the requirements are similar but the volunteers arent allowed to drive the vehicles in general *which makes the driving module somewhat redundant :lol: *

    There are some very mature young ambulance officers that I have worked with in both EMS time and in Nursing, but then there are some who are in it for the light bar and waa waa's. I've wanted to do this work from a very young age *four* and grown up in a Fire/EMS background. I started road time at 18 and have come across some grizley sights, but its down to personal attitudes, beliefs and support networks also.

    I am one for supporting youth in EMS, but agree there has to be minimum age and also the maturity level gauged. You can become a volunteer firefighter at age 16 and at MVA scenes, this can be worse as once we leave, the firies are often still left at the scene to extricate the deceased. It's a case by case basis. If youth were available to roll in rural areas, I don't think they should be able to progress to ILS till a certain age, remain at the basic level for a while. But then in the paramedic degree class I was in, we had 17 year olds doing the training, meaning that they would be upskilled paramedics at the age of 19/20.

    Case by case in all accounts. Some 17 year olds are more mature than some 40 year olds I have met. The violence on scene issues is a scary one, I remember my first stabbing scene and the fear of seeing the potential offender still on scene etc. But if there is a good supportive crew, it can help ease and bring the person into the field and with adequate training *which -cough- isn't the best in some parts of Kiwiland* situations can be handled differently.


  7. Thanks for the heads up on that though mate, its good to hear from a diabetics point of view, as well hey at the end of the day, I dont have Diabetes, will never understand medication effects like those who do live with it. Thank you mate and hope your health remains at a good level and stay a good strong part of our community of EMTS :)


  8. People have mentioned glucagon. I would take IV D50 over glucagon any day as a diabetic. From what I understand (never had to use glucagon) some of the side effects are nasty. The main one I have heard is severe vomiting after injection and I have heard of people being very sick for the next few days. I have had IV D50 and it does bring your glucose up quickly. Great for those who have an altered mental status. Just my 2 cents worth.

    If there is a need for glucagon, then the patient is in dire straits. Glucagon is a BLS medication here mainly for those who don't have Cannulation certification. So if the need is there and there isnt anything else, Glucagon is the only alternative apart from waiting for ILS/ALS back up with an IV and dextrose.

  9. Now here's an interesting concept... if my patient is confused but has a patent airway, and I have to call for glucose but he's got a jug of orange juice in the fridge, is it kosher for me to give him a glass of OJ? I always thought so...

    Easier than making them eat some nasty goop or things that taste kinda like tums...


    CO EMT-B

    Yes it is Kosha to give them something to drink, Jellybeans are a good quick fix for hypoglyceamic episodes. We used to steal the diabetic kid from schools jelly beans cause we thought he had the cool medicine :oops: :oops:

    The key thing, is their gag/swallow reflex intact, if it is, then give them sugar. Be it OJ, Pizza, Coca Cola *before Dust jumps in with cocaine comment lol*, jam, jelly beans, or even Dextrose.



  10. As it is with the moment (and I am actually waiting to still see my first one up close) Combitubes don't exist in New Zealand. LMA has been dropped to intermediate level care here, they are easy to insert and when the time calls for something a bit more than an OPA or NPA, then an LMA is a good alternative (whilst please remembering that Combitubes are NOT used here in NZ).

    Has there been much success or use preshospitally with intubating LMA's? We have them in ICU and ED, just curious about them preshospitally.


  11. Actually, the guideline is to use the maximum allowable by the manufacturer of your specific defibrillator. There is to much variation between devices, and the waveforms they use to deliver the energy to set one number as the recommendation.

    You do not use the adult energy level on children over 8 years. They do not begin being treated as adults until the secondary sexual characteristics are present. This is vague at best, but for most it falls sometime between 11 and 13 years. The 50 kg child should receive 2 joules/kg initially, followed by 4 joules/kg for all subsequent shocks. American Heart and the American Academy of Pediatrics did not change the previous recommendations, due to a lack of evidence.

    Please remember AZCEP I am in New Zealand, we have the New Zealand Resuscitation Council guidelines which we follow and St John have developed their own set of protocols in conjunction with medical directors decisions. Whilst this may not concur with the AHA standards, there is life outside America :D


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