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Posts posted by Patch

  1. I hate god as much as you guys do but the big picture is that most HUMANS are decent people who make reasonable decisions and actions. And the fact that the Muslim faith has been in North America from the start of things here doesn't matter, right? I was initially appalled at the suggestion of a mosque at Ground Zero. But this is more of what we need. In North America this coming together to beat the fear thrust upon us 24/7 is possible. The PEOPLE need to be held responsible not the religion, cultural fashion, practices. You are guilty of the same intolerance as "them". If all the Imams are spreading hate then they need to be responsible for their actions, not the whole group of people who identify with a faith. Get your heads out of your ass. This whole mess is only about one thing. Money. Which is control. And that is what all the major religions and governments care about. Both "sides". See you in hell. I'll buy you a beer and pork chop.

  2. To evolve. We have evolved to what we are and need to continue to evolve on all levels. The next step is to start using and giving to the Earth as it wants and needs. We need Earth and it does not need us, but rather wants us to be succesful in evolving by providing everything we need.

    The sun sends energy without wires. The earth gives water without pipes. The earth cleans waste without spoiling itself. We can do better.

    Survival right now is a cry of confusion and despair. When survival is a song we all sing together in harmony, I believe we might just make it to the next level or perception. Our children will learn to survive as you might recite your favorite lyrics.



  3. I believe the aboriginal people of this continent would disagree with your “Blacks have it the worst “opinion.

    And EMTANNIE is not on your side likely because most of your opinions seem hateful in my opinion.

    Whatever you think or feel you can not reasonably believe that in order to promote and better one group, another group should be demoted and hurt.

    Or are we just playing an emotional game of my hurt is bigger than yours?

  4. My pain is mine and mine alone. It belongs to nobody but me. It can not be taxed or appraised. You may sympathize or attempt empathy, but only I have the reality of my pain. It awakens my senses and confirms my mortality. Lessons are there to be learned, if I pay attention. To often I get lost in comfort and glaze over the significance of another's pain. The wolves are gone and my pain remains to remind me they are not gone completely. Death has email, and pain is the message, my sensory organs the in-box. I can ignore or I can acknowledge it. That doesn't matter. What matters is if I choose to learn, I should share what I learn with others who ask.

    Everybody needs pain, nobody needs to suffer.

  5. No, it hasn't been a good situation for 3-4 years. But I have fallen for the trappings of an easy job with decent pay and benefits. Also had some personal medical issues past 2 1/2 years. I am now actively job searching. I've even been considering going on EI (Employment Insurance) and doing school.

    I have been operating as though I am alone and on my own, (a lot of incompetent people, others that don't care). I am a team player, but when there is no coach, no referee, no organization, it gets kinda of hairy when something happens. Thankfully, it is a very slow venue, thanks to Management being stale and unimpressive when it comes to our product,. Medical events happen about once or twice a week, on my shifts.

    But never the less, I will be careful. I wonder what the AED Medical Director would think of this scenario?

  6. whit72

    If I advised him that he should immerse his head in water because his hair was on fire, he would just ignore me and keep on walking with a vacant look on his face.


    Thankfully the other supers and the Manager are aware of my knowledge and are more than receptive when I recommend something, usually.

  7. The problem is nothing will happen. I used to introduce solutions but the Corporation is not interested in listening. The Supervisor in question is also the person they pay to teach Basic First aid to all Security. Thankfully, Criti-Care EMS handles the AED side of things. Another problem in my personal view is that AED recert. has been changed from every 3 months to 4 months now. Very few are even interested in the medical side of our duties.

    Basically I'm killing time and paying bills until my schooling gets started in Sept. I am getting as far away from that joint as the military will take me, hopefully 15 Fd Amb Edmonton. Nobody seems to concerned about reality and alot of energy is spent on peoples feelings not getting hurt. My manager asked me to participate in a mediated discussion with said Supervisor, wants me to meet them in the middle and work out some of our issues in regards to team work. This Supervisor seems to have the experienced wise old man thing going for him, and it hasn't been challenged so everyone just believes it. Not me, I've seen him work and it is dangerous. Unless the report sounds bad I stay clear of him as much as possible.

    Here's another recent event, 22y/o female with major cramping pains, she's doubled over in her chair and looks in agony. Tx was lay down on this cot for 1 hour and have an ice bag, then go home. Supervisor informs me with a grin," it's nothing, just her period." Or 35 y/o female with epistaxis for 2hours before coming to work, Tx was sit on this cot and hold your nose for 1 hour, then go home.

    I don't want to come across as bad mouthing anyone, I just want to make sure that this is not in my head and that some professional people agree that as far as assessment and Tx I am getting it right, for my level.

    I have come to realize that I am only an insurance policy to the Corporation and don't matter in the big picture there. As long as they can say that they have hired and trained a gender and culturally diverse security department, the insurers will pay and the lawyers settle out of court to avoid press (good or bad).

    I'm done, I will not invest anymore of my energy into this corporation. I'm looking to get another job before I enlist. My work ethic and my love of humans keeps me going in spite of the BS.

    Thank you for your time and attention. Your comments and advice are appreciated and will help me.

  8. I won't comment on what some one may be thinking. But I know as fact that if I had not intervened EMS would not have been called. It has been stated over and over by Supervisors that unless the Pt requests an ambulance, or the on-duty supervisor requests EMS, EMS will not be called. Personally, I have yet to encounter a situation were I request EMS and it has not been done, but there are a lot of ego's and power trippers at all levels of Management.

    The idea of calling an ambulance for someone who may not be able to give consent or for someone who obviously needs attention but does not directly ask for EMS is lost on these people here. I believe, if a Pt needs ALS and doesn't want it, I feel they can tell that to the EMS Responders themselves rather than it be on my head that it was obviously needed but was not done. The primary concern for the Security dept is to protect the assets, employees, and guests. Liability anyone?

  9. We have only had AED's for about 3 years. I was hired over 8 years ago. Primarily Security duties with what seems to be second thought to medical. We have all the plans in the world for fire and the staff and resources, but the medical response is still uncoordinated. It has always been hit or miss. I obtained my EMR certificate on my own, but they have an education assistance program and was reimbursed because of the relation to my job. It just seems to be the 'Hear no evil, see no evil', and 'Don't rock the boat' mentality. Super is 55+ y/o, employed for 12+ years, military medical training and instructor background, teaches for St. John's. I am 25-30 y/o, 8 years with company, no background, except EMR in Dec. 2004, (lots of first aid and CPR training all my life though).

    I guess basically it didn't feel right and I knew the event was being mishandled in an unprofessional way. I noticed things like no BSI, no vitals taken, no O2 for Pt difficulty breathing, no EMS activation upon C/O chest pain with history of similar past events so, I just kind of politely (to the Pt) took over. I also felt concerned about responsibilities as a licensed AED provider and the implications of the Pt deteriorating after my Super. sends him on his merry way out the door, (which is what the Super. is supposed to consider).

    I don't feel bad or anything like that. I want opinions to know if what I did seems done out of professional deductions or did I go over the top with the whole event?

    And yes, I am a professional. A professional who is practicing medicine at my level of education. Bike riding and repair is my hobby.

  10. Opinions Please.

    Please bear with me on this. I would like to know how the professionals feel about a scenario I was involved in.

    I work in a casino with AED and O2. I am AED/ BCLS provider. Also, Certified EMR.

    Pt was 47 y/o male, overweight, with History of asthma ( 2 years previous, was prescribed Bronchiodialator once), CC is Chest pain with shortness of breath, feels dizzy, weak, and has numb hands and feet. Appears in distress, looks anxious, deep inhalations but seems effective. First contact was not me. Supervisor let Pt move on own from sitting on a bench to a wheelchair, transport to our 1st Aid room without O2. Super gave O2 about 10 mins after contact, even though I arrived at scene with AED and O2 after 2mins of initial contact. Non- Re breather at 6LPM. Bag not inflated. No vitals taken. Super kept telling me "he's fine, there's no problem". So I leave at the instruction of my on duty Super.

    After about 10 mins of O2, Super and Pt walk back to hotel to Pt's room. While walking Pt begins to feel dizzy/ weak, pain comes back, real hard to breath now. Again I attend with AED and O2 to find Pt sitting on a couch in our hallway entrance. He looks scared and is inhaling very deeply. Also, Pt had a spacey look in his eyes, kind of a surprised look. Against my Super's wishes, I quickly asses Pt and Pt tells me ( in a rushed manner with quick words), Chest pain feels burning, pressure in center of chest, "ow-ee", about 3-4 on 10 scale, not radiating, no pain else were. Breathing is harder to do now than at first contact. Pt's wife tells me this happened a week previous and a week and a half before that. Almost any time Pt is physically exerted, especially in hot weather. I give O2 at 15 Lpm with Non-Re breather. Pulse - 82Bpm - regular and strong, Breathing - 16 Resp. per min - big deep inspirations, relaxed on exhale. Skin warm, diaphoretic, red. ( first contact Pt looked Pale). Good even strength in hands and feet. Eyes equal and react to light, 3mm. NKA.

    I convinced the Pt to let the EMS have a look at him as I don't have the equipment to properly asses the event. Pt agrees and Fire is there in 3 mins, Ambulance arrives in 5mins. The super stated to 911 that this is non-emergent and that the EMS need not arrive lights and sirens.

    EMS on scene, they do their thing and Pt is loaded and gone in about 10 mins.

  11. Okay, then going back to your original comment

    Try a Class IIA ballistic vest, plus the dark poly clothing. That's farking hot.

    By the way, your kind of cute, in a non-homosexual kind of way :shock: :wink: LMAO!

    So that would be platonic then? :)

  12. Hey there Zach! Good luck with your studies.

    I am another person who enjoys the bike thing too. I also like repairing bikes.

    If you're interested in Bike Patrol check out the website of the International Police Mountain Bike Association. Some good links and info there, not just police stuff. http://www.ipmba.org/

    Take care and have fun.

  13. Telling someone your name will make the event personal and will usually diffuse tension and deflect negative energy that would be directed at a perceived representative of "the man" or "the system". Also, by identifying yourself you take responsibility for your actions and comments, as it shows you are a confident professional and not hiding.

  14. Well, I hope to be joining you guys in Alberta soon. That's were I want to end up in about a year and a half, Edmonton if I have my way. I have a good friend in Wainwright that I visit at least once a year. Weird layout Loyd has. Send me a PM and I'll buy you a drink next time I'm through there, Neesie.

  15. I went to school and graduated as an EMR. I received my EMR certificate. I am now a certified EMR.

    In order to practice in Manitoba, I would need to become licensed. That involves going to MB Health and taking an exam and practical. Once licensed I would then be able to be employed by a Regional Health Authority. A license requires maintenance to keep. A certificate is mine forever and does not require updates or revisions.

    So basically:

    Certificate = school grad.

    License = practicing professional tested by a Health Authority.

  16. Canada's navel. Where all the hard core canucks are born and raised!!!


    Just try to deny it. :twisted:

    Security Officer with MB Lotteries . AED/ BCLS Provider focusing on the medical emergencies at the 2 casinos, (4000 capacity)

    Certified EMR. Going for license soon. Gonna get hooked up with a rural service while I revisit senior 4 Bio and Chem. Then into the Canadian Armed Forces, 737 Med Tech. (< 1.5 year time line.)

  17. There is nothing to be done about people who would commit fraud by misrepresentation or omission. What must be done by you, me and everyone who cares about this industry is to get the word out. We must educate everyone and their cousin about the details of every thing about prehospital care. Fire has a sweet rep mostly because their PR people have had a 200 year head start.

    If anyone gives you an opening like " Are you a paramedic?" or "Where did you go to school?" or "Do you drive the fire truck too?", tell them and explain anything remotely related till their eyes roll back and they suffer a TIA from information overload. You can then practice your skills too! :lol:

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