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Posts posted by EMTgirl2006

  1. Thanks everyone for your replies! I actually recieved my state card in the mail about a month ago...it was the hard card, yay! I am now employed at my local hospital. The road would be more fun, but the pay and benefits is much better there. Our local services (who hire newbies) start out at $7 an hour with no health benefits or anything. So I'm happy where I am. Everyone stay safe and best wishes!

  2. Thanks for the reply! I actually filled out the application for the state card back in December, the same day that I filled out the application for the national, and our instructor was supposed to send it in himself.

  3. Hi! I'm Brandy, and this is only my second post ever. I'm from KY and I just found out that I passed the NREMT exam! YAYYYYY! I am absolutely thrilled. My question is: will I get my state card in the packet from NREMT or will it come separately? If so, about how long does it usually take to get the state card in the mail after getting the nat'l? According to the website, my NREMT stuff was sent out yesterday. Just wondering what to expect. Thanks everyone! :D

  4. Hi everyone! My name is Brandy and this is actually my very first post. I'm not one to post my opinions but I love to read through everyone elses! I passed my EMT-B class back in December (highest grade in my class! whoohoo!) and state practicals went very well. I am currently awaiting my NREMT exam results and IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE!! I always did well on the tests in class, which my instructor said he made them to be "almost as difficult" as the NREMT exam. So of course, I went into the exam feeling confident and came out feeling completely lost. I took it on Dec. 26, and I have been checking for the online results everyday at least 3 times a day! LOL! I know, I'm pathetic! But I'm sure ya'll have been in my shoes before. I will not be the first EMT in my family (assuming I passed). I have a sister who is an EMT-B and is about to finish her Paramedic program, her fiance` is an EMT-B, my brother is an EMT-B, my cousin just started the program, and my oldest nephew is starting the program this month! We could start our own ambulance service! Besides EMS stuff, I enjoy everything about weather (I used to be a meteorology major), love all kinds of music, I sing country/bluegrass locally, play guitar and a few other instuments, I enjoy being outdoors doing whatever, and hanging out with my boyfriend and other friends. I am currently in college, finishing up some prereqs for the nursing program. As of now I'm a nursing major and I plan to get into the Emergency/Trauma side of things when I become an RN...however, becoming a Paramedic is not out of the question. I can't think of anything else to say about myself! If I passed the NREMT exam, I'll be sure to make my second post ever to spread the good news! Nice meeting everyone! Take care! :lol:

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