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Posts posted by nremt3138

  1. Wow, I feel like Rocky climbing the steps!! What a great inspiration. I start Paramedic class next Wednesday. I have been an EMT for 3 years and I'm ready to step up and do more. I'm a little nervous but I'll make it. I know I'm smart enough (I got accepted in the program!!) and I know why I'm doing this. In the past 3 years, I have helped so many people and it feels so good when they appreciate it. Even when they don't, I still feel good about what I've done. Thanks for these posts. They have inspired me even more to do the very best I can every day.



  2. Hi. I'm starting Paramedic school next week and I was wondering if there were any seasoned medics out there with some good tips. I've been a Basic for 3 years and I'm a member of our local VFD so I've run quite a few calls in the last 3 years. But now there will be alot more responsibility as far as patient care. The decisions I make in the field can mean the difference in someone dying or living. That is why I want to do well in class and be confident when I start working as a Paramedic. I'm sure that will come with time and experience but having a place like this to discuss it with others is great. I appreciate any help that any of you can give.

    Future Medic in NC

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