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Posts posted by sirens23

  1. hey there well a friend is a re-tired medic of almost 40 years and she told me that centenial is a hard school so tld me but..... how ever the exsperience you get fromthe toronto medics there dureing your co-op and with your preceptor is amazeing they really give you what you need and over pre-pare you as well and desenceatize you from vomit,blood and all that cool stuff that come with the job. she also told me for ANY medic course if you can. take an EMT course pre-hand its reallt costly but sooo worth the knowledge so that when you go for your final exame for the national or canadian testing you have sooo much knowledge you shouldnt have any thing to worrie over but humber is a greta college you may wanyt to look at conestoga college for i am there and they off an amazeing programe and i have been told by diffrent paramedics that they have the BEST pcp and acp program just soem thing to look in to.... hope i helped a little good luck

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