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Posts posted by fieldeffect

  1. Hey guys, I need to interview an EMT for a school project, I am looking into becoming an EMT and I was wondering If you could answer some of my questions! Thanks in advance. I would greatly appreciate the help!

    1. When you were in college, what did you think your career was going to be? What was your undergraduate major field of study?
    2. What credentials, educational degrees, licenses,etc. are required for entry into this kind of work?
    3. What kinds of prior experience are absolutely essential?
    4. How did you prepare yourself for this work?
    Present Job
    5. Describe how you occupy your time during a typical work week?
    6. What skills or talents are most essential for effectiveness in this job?
    7. What are the toughest problems you must deal with?
    8. What do you find most rewarding about the work itself, apart from the external motivators, such as salary, fringe benefits, travel, etc.
    9. If you were to leave this kind of work, what would drive you away from it.
    Prior Experiences
    10. Which of your past work experiences affect what you do now.
    11. Have any of your job changes been for reasons of life style? Please explain.
    Life Style
    12. What obligations does your work place upon you, outside of the ordinary work week? Do you enjoy these obligations?
    13. How much flexibility do you have in terms of dress, hours of work, vacation schedule, place of residence,etc?
    Additional Questions
    14. How did you get into this career?
    15. Does this meet your interests, skills and vales?
    16. What are the pros and cons?
    17. What is a typical day like? what do you like most/least?
    18. What are the skills and personal qualities needed to enter into this career?
    19. What educational Background is required?
    20. What are work conditions: hours, dress, location, physical environment, etc.?
    21. What are the career paths in this field?
    22. Is this a competitive field? Can one enter without experience?
    23. What are the entry level salary and benefits? What is long range earning potential?
    24. How does the future look for this career (employment outlook)?
    25. Advice/ Recommendations

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