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Posts posted by HFD23

  1. I think Cath labs are the way to go. But it's not just about the specialty centers, and their capabilities. We have to take into consideration our capabilities. A patient presenting with an AMI, get a 12-Lead, Elevation present? Recip depression present? My service is particpating in the PATCAR study, and its turning up really good results. You run and 12-Lead, and see elevation, you send the 12-lead by cell phone to the hospital participating in study, they confirm, you push retavase, plavix (they eat it), and heparin, seeing the patient meets the check list. Once you have this pushed, then you get on the road, the Cath Lab team is waiting on the Docks of the ambulance bays, and the pt. never sees the ER. I think Monkey County just north of us is in the study. So far this combination of a specialty hospital, and EMS using it's capabilites seems to be working very well. Now I know not everyone has a fancy zoll, or LP 12, but you still have your MCL's on a three lead. That way you have a better idea. But after seeing this system work in the field, I think its more important to look not just at going straight to these specialties centers, but Paramedics working with these centers to provide quicker treat.

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