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Thad aka El Lobo Loco

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Posts posted by Thad aka El Lobo Loco

  1. Okay...this could get sticky. First, yes I am from South Alabama and we do have a fair number of bigoted people in this area. The problem, however, is not as predominate as most would think from movies and television. At my service, we have a pretty fair mix of races and sexes. for the most part, we all get along very well. Among ourselves we will joke, kid and even "attack" one another in the interest of relieving tensions. Our boss has even had meetings with us telling us that we joke around with each other too severely. But, most of us know that NOBODY on the street will mess with our partner regardless of race or gender.

    As to the general public. I have noticed a great deal of prejudice from ALL races. Our saving grace is that we do treat all patients as patients without regard to any minority overtones. We are the oldest licensed ambulance service in the state and our preceding reputation serves us newbies well. If we respect it and each other.

    As to the original question....yes. I have been called racist on many occasions. I have also had many minorities show me more respect than they do their own families.

    The major theme of this post is.....ALL patients are patients and should (and will)...be treated as such.

  2. How bout...

    "L1 to L14....ya'll goin' to the squad meetin' tonight?"

    "L14 to L1....Yeah, I goota stop and get my wife sumthin' to eat, she's pregnant, ya' know...again, then I'll be on up there."

    "L1 to L14....Can ya stop and pick me up? My truck won't start again."

    "L14 to L1.....Yeah, just be out by the road when I come by and you can ride with me."

    I actually heard this conversation!!!

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