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Posts posted by dananeal

  1. You concern is really valid. The psych patients who are in need of emergency help have to travel for long distance. It seems that there are no proper policies and guidelines that can govern the health issue around your regional area. I think the administration should look into the cause. Best of luck for your good work to society!

  2. Great Post Doczilla! I have also heard of several benefits being associated with the use ofTranexamic acid. It is commonly used for stopping heavy bleeding and the dentist also use them before the removal of the teeth in order to prevent or control bleeding for thr people suffering from hemophilia. It is widely used in surgery of the prostate, bladder, or cervix or in normal nosebleeds, heavy periods or for bleeding inside the eye.

  3. I too believe that NRB is a better choice for the infant on the condition of their level of tolerance. I’m very much conscious on the use of paper cup or even some styrofoam cup as they contain dust particles which may worsened a reactive airway or asthma situation.

  4. Right now car riding is dangerous, and what you are talking about is bike. What I watched till now in accidents with a bike, maximum probablity of death. It's a combination of the balance of both your bike and you. How much protective you are that matters.

  5. Hi all.

    This is dana neal here, I'm new to this forum and I'm glad that I found it. Hope I'm going to make some new good friends.

    The article you added is significant.

    Tranexamic acids are used when there is need to control the bleeding. It also reduces the amount of loss of blood. It has a minor side-effects too which in general includes an upset stomach.

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