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Aggie EMT

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Posts posted by Aggie EMT

  1. I would say, you don't bring your work home; don't bring your private life to work. If they don't ask, you don't tell.

    The main problem with this rears its head at any time any coworker talks about their kids, or their fiancee, or their huge wedding they've been planning for months, or going out on vacation with their opposite-sexed partner. It's fine for YOU to bring it up, but as soon as I mention going to the beach with my partner, it's about me bringing my private life to work. Can you say double standard?

    You say "if they don't ask, you don't tell." That sounds fine, except any time a discussion about personal lives comes up, it's an unspoken invitation for you to talk about similar experiences you've had, or your thoughts on the matter, etc. You don't have to come out and explicitly ask someone to talk about their personal life in order for the topic to come up.

    I have a corollary for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" for people like me who are afraid to come out at work. It's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell; If Asked, Lie." By following this addage I continue to be seen as someone acceptable to work with and associate with.

  2. Before I begin, keep in mind that this post is relevent to my experience working in ems as a gay man; it is not about homosexuality in general. I hope this thread stays that way.

    I work as an EMT in Texas, and I've been hesitant to do things like casually mention my partner (of five years now) - in the same way others refer to their spouses - or ask about insurance coverage for same sex partners. I haven't "come out" to anyone at work for several reasons, one of which will always stick out in my mind. It was one of my very first full time shift as an EMT when I was approached by a couple coworkers who were off duty. We struck up a conversation and talked about ourselves to get introduced to one another, but one of the first questions out of his mouth was, "You're not a FAG, are ya!?" (his emphasis). I was floored that I would be asked that by a coworker - at the station - while I was on duty. What was I supposed to say? Nowadays I would typically have a snappy comeback handy, but as a brand-spanking new employee, that sort of question is extremely inappropriate, and I didn't know what to say, so I lied. I also lied when they asked if I was married or seeing anybody. What if he had said, "You're not a NIGGER LOVER, are ya!?" or "You're not a JEW, are ya? ... what if he had said "You're not a CHRISTIAN, are ya?" I see no difference between any of those questions. (I am not prejudiced against anyone or any religion, sorry to have said graphic words, but remember that one day the "n" word was very socially acceptable.)

    You know what's funny, as I sit typing this amongst my unknowing coworkers, one of them played a joke on the other. When he realised he was the butt of a joke, he said, "You fag!" to the other one. This was a supervisor who said that. Granted I work for a relatively small service, but this sort of lack of professionalism is a source of a LOT of stress for people who are at the receiving end of bigotry, even if the person saying the words doesn't mean to be rude.

    Then again, I don't understand how "You're not a FAG, are ya!?" could be construed as NOT rude in the setting I was asked it.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I too am a gay EMT, and while I have been around others who have said or done questionable things that are blatantly said out of ignorance or intolerance (or perhaps their own repressed homosexuality?), it's not been too bad so far. I imagine that the macho fire fighters typically have a harder time with this issue.

  3. I remember when I was a student, each new preceptor was a nightmare in itself. Not to say they were bad guys just each had different expectations of me and the process of working out exactly what they wanted was confusing and difficult.

    Each new student I get I like to sit them down at the start of the shift and explain things. The bags are theirs to organise as they wish as long as they have the required stock. They are expected to take a leadership role in patient care although I will be right behind them to make sure they don't kill someone. They should always be the first through the door to introduce themselves to the patient. Also my partner and I will do all the mindless grunt work ie. lugging bags and stretchers. The students should be focusing on patient care.

    I wish my ridealongs would have been like this!! They were good, I got to do and learned a lot, but what you let your patients do is what I could have really used help with. GOOD JOB and don't stop helping your student riders learn!

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