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Posts posted by 2mdcs

  1. Hello All

    I have tried on other sites and have had no success. Kind of a long story.

    On August 5th 2001 my wife and I were involved in an accident while responding to a call(in a chase vehicle not ambulance). Well I was very seriously hurt, multiple injuries. To try and shorten the story some, I eventually had to have my right foot amputated. So I now have a below knee amputation on the right side.

    I finally got to return to work in Nov. of 2003. I am looking for anyone that is, or knows anyone in my situation of working with a prostetic. you know your basic type of question, how hard was the decision to go through with the amputation, how has your work been affected. I would really love to chat with others, are you out there. Let me hear from you.

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