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Posts posted by paramedix911

  1. I've been in EMS 25 years -- the best advice I can pass along is -- BE NICE -- and DO WHAT IS RIGHT; NOT WHAT IS EASY. The culture you instill at your new service is very important. You should set high standards but ALWAYS be nice. Make sure that everyone that works for you has the same "Mission Value" -- The bitchin that goes on in some services translates to low morale and poor patient care. I have seen the effects when a service places a premium on "SERVICE" and has a stated expectation of maintaining a friendly and courteous workplace.

    Also, you may find yourself in a situation where doing the "right" thing is very difficult -- you may even say -- "it would just be easier if we..." When this happens, you should do the "right thing" regardless of how hard it is, how much it costs or how much pressure your under to do otherwise --

    Good Luck with this venture -- and try to have fun along the way.

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