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Posts posted by justinbien9

  1. Hi, thanks I like the responses. My province is Manitoba.

    I have done a lot of research and I have found a lot of negatives which are a bit demotivating and making me think twice, but I don't think I have seen one bad experience from a paramedic in Canada.

    I understand that this line of work is emergency so I'm predicting call in's and overtime, which I think I should be okay with. I guess I'm lucky not to be in Ontario or any other very big cities. I've been told lots that I shouldn't worry yet for something that has yet to happen and I do worry often sometimes even with the littlest things, but I still think about having a family as a paramedic, and if I would be able to have a good happy life. I hope that being a paramedic won't affect my life off the job, and I'm willing to learn a lot and overcome the consequences. There are other career options that I'm also thinking about, but I believe that this is what I wanna do for a living. Being a paramedic tops over my other choices and if after I become one, possibly I'll study more or maybe even try as a cop.

    I'm preparing myself for this. I plan on volunteering, and also the ride-along internship with the paramedics, I just can't find one.

  2. Thanks. I just wanna be sure about taking this profession and wanna know more what it's like when off the job. The required science courses I have done last sem but now I'm doing nothing but working on the other credentials like Class 4 Driver's Licencse, CPR or Basic Life Support I will take which is one class, and working on my body to be fit and pass the fitness test. I'm worried about making the wrong decision and find out a year later that this job is not for me because of issues in life.

  3. Hi. Do you have a stable relationship or have a family? Are you happy? Being a paramedic as career has been lingering in my mind for as long as I can't remember. Apparently, since childhood I have been mentioning becoming a medic as I seen in video games or movie/shows says my mom. Recently, I have felt like I have wasted enough time during my teenage years, not preparing for my future and I truly highly regret not doing so. Ever since, any other career have not appealed to me as much as becoming a medic. I'm also thinking about joining the forces, but I'm planning on becoming a medical technician in there as well, just cause I feel like there's more that I will experience being one in the military. I'm smart, kind and sensitivity is my weakness. I know I can do something and be good at it if I try and wanted to, I just never did in high school. I just wanna make sure that this is what I'm going to do. I also specifically would like to know what relationship and family would be like as a paramedic. If ever I get into a serious one, and I plan to, I don't want my other half to be feeling lonely as I'm out there spending less time with her. I wanna be able to spend time with her too, I'm just thinking that no woman would want spending most of her time alone away from her other half. And other bad things can happen with that, like cheating, but I'm not one to do that, or separation of both. If ever having children comes to mind, I would also like to help her raise and spend time with the kid. Is the pay (in Canada) enough to raise and support a family? Maybe I'm just worrying now that I will be lonely if ever I become one. You might say that this would not even be the big problem, but still let me know about this and tell me the big problems that can come up. I just don't wanna regret being one when I am. Basically, please tell me about the life of a paramedic, with pros and cons and anything else that will help me decide. If you can, please answer from a source of a paramedic. Thank you for taking your time reading my inquiry.

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