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Posts posted by cathycasi21

  1. yeah unfortunately he has to take the whole course all over again and it's quite expensive. The thing is the paramedic preceptor was a real jerk to him and the practicum's purpose was for him to show improvement which he did but they still failed him because I guess they didn't like him or something.

  2. Hey guys,

    I got this friend, we just finished out EMT practicum and he apparently failed his practicum because his preceptors were real jerks. He's trying to appeal it now to the school but I don't know how it will turn out. I know he would have passed other wise had he had a good preceptor. Has anyone had any experience with this. I'm from alberta by the way. ANyways, any advice would be greatly appreciated! ;)

  3. Here's another poem:

    A Paramedic's Life

    No two days may be counted on

    For things to be the same

    The routine jobs completed

    Then comes the waiting game

    The mind is set on ready

    Whether sleeping or awake

    Time's the constant enemy

    The difference it can make

    Some days it crawls so slowly

    But still alert you stay

    Then someone's time is running out

    As seconds charge away

    Adrenaline is pumping

    Your race against time starts

    Your intellect's in action

    with controlled, chaotic parts

    Precision, skill and timing

    You use them all, but yet

    Each call could be the one from hell

    Your heart won't soon forget

    Your shift then ends, and finally

    You're able to relax

    Time relents it's power

    And soon you're back on track

    You will return another day

    No two will be alike

    For God still writes each ending

    In a paramedic's life

    Author: unknown

    That's a good poem too! thanks for sharing :D

  4. This is an emt poem I found on the internet. I don't know if I'm putting it in the right section. I'm a noobie :D

    Why I Do It

    You watch us leaving,

    Lights and sirens blaring.

    You think of what the call might be,

    But you can never imagine what we see.

    The pain and suffering of an elderly dying,

    As the family watches begging and crying.

    You ask me why I do it,

    With all the pain and tears shed how can I survive.

    In return I say, Why?!

    If you could help a fellow man would you leave him in the shadows to die.

    If you could would you not want to give a person another breath to breathe,

    And watch as their eyes fill with life instead of death.

    Sure pain may come with the job,

    But in return there is joy of a life that might be saved.

    My team is there for support,

    When the pain is more then I can bare.

    I'm not in it for the glory,

    But to watch the smile of a child that will see another day.

    And I thank God for the skills he has given me,

    So I may do my best no matter what the scene.

    Author: Ryan Landry

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