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Posts posted by CalPolyEMT

  1. I'm a second year at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, CA. I'm a recently certified EMT but at the moment I can't get a job because my hours as a student are inflexible. I've discovered a small group of EMTs in my school who are in the same situation. All we want is to find a job so we can gain some experience, make a difference, and have something to put on our resumes for when we apply for jobs in the summer. So I went to the Athletic Dept to try and organize EMT volunteers for major sports events. So far the head athletic trainer and our athletic director seem very excited about the idea and want to meet together soon to try to figure out the liability issues.

    So, my question, does anyone have any suggestions or can tell me any problems we might encounter about liability? Just so I'm prepared and can possible find some solutions before the meeting. Also where could I get equipment? Or is there a way where our school can get discounted equipment since it's a volunteer program? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Also I was thinking about getting an EMS crew for our school in general. We have a campus police student internship program with dispatch and everything, I was thinking if it would be worth the while to put EMTs on campus. Does anyone know of any schools that have student-staffed EMS on campus?

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