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Posts posted by wlittle

  1. Have been both the patient - due to Atrial fib - and the patient's family as my wife is diabetic and COPD. Like EMTDennis, I have to step back when it's my wife - at least once the paramedic(s) arrive on scene - because: (A) I'm not totally objective; and (B) I'm "only" a First Responder. Now, when it's me, I love the expression on their faces (of those who don't know me) when they walk in and I provide them with my symptoms in their "native tongue". Made LOTS of new friends that way. :P

  2. I've had a few patients with it. I think it was usually for altered or sick/fever/weak type symptoms. I wasn't lead on any of those calls, so I don't quite remember more info about it...

    If you have questions about it, please feel free to ask. Several of our local departments here around Atlanta have me listed as a resource for their EMS training classes. I love to answer questions and let folks get "hands-on" and examine my head if that will help them to understand the condition.

  3. Let me muddy the water a little more. I've seen the dark / black skin in patients that were still viable. The reason, at least in the cases I've seen was the result of years of smoking which compromised circulation. The only problem is the dark / black skin usually is seen in the digits such as fingers or toes.

  4. Having been born with Hydrocephalus, I was wondering if anyone here on EMT city has had the experience of working with a patient with "hydro"? In my 49 years of dealing with it, I've only had to call EMS once and that was due to a severe headache and elevated blood pressure. That turned out to be a learning experience for all involved as neither of the medics had any experience dealing with a patient such as myself. In the end, it turned out to be caused by the elevated BP, but, due to the location of the headache as well as the duration, I was afraid it was the beginning of a dynamic change in the hydrocephalus.

  5. I have signed-up for EMT City a while back, but, for whatever reason, I couldn't get my sign-in to work so I'm going to try it again. As I mentioned in my profile, I am a retired volunteer firefighter (thanks to "arthr"itis), but maintain my First Responder certification. I love to teach fire prevention, first aid, and Disaster Preparedness. I also enjoy writing on those subjects as well -- http://www.helium.co...dit_show/355189

    Even though I can no longer fight fire, I'm still active in my community serving with the Red Cross as a Disaster Action Team (DAT) dispatcher as well as being certified as a Disaster Assessment Specialist. I am also an Amateur Radio operator (Call: KJ4SDV) and have participated in several events as a communicator. I am happily married to a loving lady named MaryLou and we live in southwest Atlanta (GA).

  6. Having seen in in the past with patients (I'm retired) and now having it myself, I can say definitely that it's Atrial Fib. The best indicator - for me, at least - was the presence of "saw-teeth" in the EKG. My EKG, prior to the Amiodarone (Paceron) getting my heart back in a normal rhythm, looked that bad and worse.

    (One of the curses of being EMT, you know when you're in bad shape without the doctor having to tell you.)

  7. I agree with the others, he probably was in denial, but it seems to me, I would rather know. Then too, he might figure he's lived past the "three-score and ten" mentioned in the Bible and made peace with it knowing that he would soon see God.

  8. Earlier today, I saw a question here on EMS City about the symptoms presented by a patient suffering from clinical anxiety or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I did some research and this is what I found:

    Psychological -

    1) Restlessness or feeling "edgy"

    2) Patients tend to become tired easy

    3) Trouble with concentration

    4) Patient may feel if their mind is going "blank"

    5) Patient may exhibit signs of irritability

    6) A sense of impending doom

    7) De-realization or de-personalization

    8) Fear of loosing control or going insane

    9) Patient may state they have a sense of impending doom.

    Additional, patients may also exhibit these additional physical symptoms

    1) Muscle tension

    2) Trouble sleeping

    3) Heart palpitations

    4) Chest pain or tightness (similar to a heart attack)

    5) Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

    6) Nausea (or other stomach upset)

    7) Trembling or shaking

    8) Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, unsteady, or faint

    9) Numbness or tingling

    10) Chills or hot flashes

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