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Posts posted by sl91

  1. Hey everyone, I have a question in regards to the title. I plan on going to college in Ontario in September 2013 so that means I have a few months before I choose which school I will be going to. I have done a lot of research, visited a lot of schools and spoke to a few paramedics and I am getting a lot of mixed messages around the topic of accreditation. There are only 6 schools in Ontario for PCP with it and some people say it is not going to make a difference in regards to getting hired. Other have said that they didn't go to a school with accreditation and it was their biggest mistake. Can anyone help make things a tad more clear?

    I have applied to: Conestoga, St Clair, Centennial, Humber and Fanshawe. Only one of those is accredited. I am willing to apply to more schools based on the answers.

    Thank you all very much!! :)

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