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Posts posted by P1

  1. You hear a responding fire unit coming to your location. However, it has been raining lately and the streets are slick. The fire engine loses control, barrels into your EMT-P partner, and crashes into the building lengthwise. Your partner is thrown about ten feet and lies motionless. The fire engine is becoming engulfed in the flames, and no one is exiting the vehicle.

    Become a traffic officer until cavalry arrives. Get your road cones from your vehicle and close the road. Divert traffic. Keep people away from the building. Move your vehicle and park so that the scene remains safe.

  2. I've puked after every field delivery I've done. All three of them.

    I almost puked while working maternity shifts. After delivery we have to scoop the blood from the bed into a bowl to measure blood loss. I scooped and saw blood and a turd in my (double gloved) hands. I just heald my breath and finished.

  3. I went into a patients house last night and almost puked. There was a STRONG, vile, gross smell of pet (dog, cat, bird... I'm not an expert) urine. Which leads me to the question:

    Has anyone puked or fainted on an emergency? What really grosses you out?

  4. I think it was unprofessional of the medic to criticize you in front of the patient. If he felt that it was critical listen to breath sounds he should have listened himself. Once the patient was safely in hospital he could have spoken :boxing: about your approach.

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