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Posts posted by truthisone

  1. no dont go. you need more help than we can give you here other than a couple of good ears to listen with.

    my advice, take it as you wish, reach out to a crisis line for help. that crisis line can put you in touch with resources that can help you get out of the abusive situation you are in.

    you can also call 911 and file assault charges against mommy, get her out of the house for a short period of time, get step dad to help you get all your meds and get to a place of safety.

    You are responsible for your oen safety and you have to start the process of removing yourself from the bad situation. No one else as you have found will do it for you.

    I wish you luck.

    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

    step dad is on her side he will and has lied for her and thereatened to commit me he only helps me because my mom forces him to

    I've called the crisis line all they say is tell u to go to the so they can admi u to te psych ward. Anyways, enough of this off topic stuff

    Truthisone, I say, "So What?" to you having a Brooklyn accent. Da Noo Yawk/Noo Joisey accent is accepted woildwide as a kind of mark of distinction, so fageddabouddit! Ya wanna make sumpin ovvit? I'll meet ya at toity toid and toid, an we'll duke it out (Not really) (FYI, I'm just over the Marine Parkway Bridge, at the south end of Flatbush Avenue, east of Riis Park in Queens) Within NYC, we speak our wierd combination of English, Spanish, "Spanglish", Italian, French, Hatian style French, several Chinese dialects, Japanese, Croatian, Russian, Polish, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, and probably more languages than are recognized at the UN.

    I only said that cause moby hated the way i typed


    Wow. Sorry to hear your life sucks. However, I have to agree with Mobey... the original purpose of you coming here has been satisfied. Nobody's trying to be mean, we're trying to discourage fake drama-vomit in our forum. Makes the place kind of stanky. Sounds like you have some legit drama.

    News flash for you: There are many of us here who have gone through LOTS in recent history. Some still dealing with ongoing issues. You don't see us writhing (and writing) in agony all over the place...

    You want something to change in your life? Change something. Look for creative solutions. Ask for help. We'll give you all the advice we can, but you have to give us somewhere to start.

    Best of luck to you...


    CO EMT-B

    RN-ADN Student

    Sorry for the off topic stuff, theres no need to remain on this sie i will delete my account or a mod ca

    So, what bracelet are you going to purchase?

    I wiil get the plain old stainless steel one of course!

  2. Okay we get it: You do the Goth thing to piss your mother off and to be uniquely different in your mind from the thousands of other goth's out there.

    In an Emergency situation we will spend just about 20 seconds looking for a source of information as to why a pt is unresponsive or unable to communicate. By then if I don't find a bracelet or necklace , I move on and do what needs to be done .

    If you are covered in black leather and piercings the last place I would expect to find a medic-alert[ notice how they call it medic alert} tag. Same for having ICE in your phone. The last thing We have time for is to scroll through your phone directory to get vital info.

    You came here for advice from seasoned professionals and were given same.

    Hope you figure out what you want.

    I don't do the goth thing to piss off my mom, somehow I manage to do that just by breathing :( I just love black (it's honestly been my favorite color since Kindergarden), and leather, and studs, no piercings except reguar earings and nothing sharp. Ouch that hurts. I may love the "look" but I have the "Scene"loud music, clbs and drinking & drugs are def n
  3. Look u guys I've got much more serious problems than a stupid bracelet. I just found out that my INR is 5.1 If that wasn't bad enough my mom has decided to go off her psych meds and she's given me a few hard slaps and several punches in my arms causing bruises.I can't run away from her and I was defending myself with my arms. They always call me the most disrespectfull piece of *&^% they've ever seen, but I refused to fight back cause she's my mom. If I stay at my apt I'm finished. I'm just not ready to care of myself in the city. I've tried. I've been at my tiny apt with my parents this week going to specialists and I can't cook or do anything I would need to do alone and I'm not eligible for home health care in this state anymore. And if I stay with my mom IDK WTF she'll do. And they have all my meds up there I only have a couple days worth but my stepfather would bring them to me soon I hope. My step father has tried to drug her iced tea a few times and it helps. I knew about it too so I'm as much to blame I guess???But she's going to catch on or something and pretty soon I'm really going to be in trouble. Can't call the cops on her cause she'll never forgive me plus my stepfather has made it clear that he will lie for her and they both will have me commited because I've been on antidepressants and antianxiety meds since I was 13. Plus they will only let me stay with them 2 more weeks, but I could get some home health care there for those 2 weeks at least.

    I wish I had a real extended family that atleast would care in a crisis. Or is a biological father too much to ask for. I'm sooo sorry I know all this is TMI but the Mod can delete it if he wants. I'm just ready to explode and I can't stop crying. IDK if I can be Lil' Miss Perfect for a much better chance that my mom won't explode. Plus her psychartrist just quit his job for a better one so he just gave her 3 months of meds and sent her on her way. I'm just so scared with no where to turn and I have to decide in the next 2 hours wheather I stay in my apt. sincecompleteley incapable or go back to their house. I always thought things would ease when I was an adult, will I ever be right about anything?

    So I promise not to post again if you promise not to pick on me anymore. Well that's how it feels when I'm this scared and emotional.

    Well good luck to all and always remember my motto- NO matter how bad it is, It can and probabley will always get worse. Bye :cry:

  4. good to see that you came back, thought you had gone on walkabout.

    have you given any thought to a response to any of our suggestions other than mikes?

    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

    Yes. I can't afford silver or gold and I'm allergic to the usual cheap metals. SO, unfortunately, I have to go with the hideous stainless steel bracelet like the Mod (sorry I forgot your name) suggested to wear every day for the rest of my life. It doesn't matter much anyways I suppose because I don't/can't leave my tiny apartment in NYC often. My mom is kicking me out of her house in PA very soon. I went there to recuperate, but I've been there 2 months, which is WAY too long and I've worn out my welcome. Along with this hideous scar, it's just another thing to endure for life cause my heath sucks. I even went to the doc today. God was that physical hard, and sooo painful. I got a whole bunch more meds to take. However, I won't be going back for a long time because I can't even walk a block and I have no friends and no other family. Plus, the visiting nurse is discharging me. Life sucks, then you die, then you go to hell. My Tinkerbelle attitude has died too. Hope you enjoy this new attitude Mike. I guess I no longer sound like I'm 12.

    I'm sorry for all this venting.

    PS Thank You to all the people who have been nice to me on this site. You are greatly appreciated.

    Paranoia free. I'm simply asking questions that you have still failed to answer.

    FYI, before I started this post. I actually spoke to management from one of the bigger companies selling the designer Medical ID jewelry. They stated that they never had any complaints about not being noticed in their 9 years of business. I don’t know if they were lying or if just no one ever bothered to complain.

    I also showed 2 RNs I know at separate times a picture of the original bracelet I wanted. The both said it was fine. So, do you see my confusion? I only asked so many people because I’ve been living with my parents since my illness and my mother hates anything Goth so naturally she insisted for me to keep asking people until someone told me the answer she wanted.

    As for you Mike, You have completely ruined my mood, but I guess I’ll play into you’re little mind game if it will, hopefully, make you calmer. I mean I have no idea what that creep or scam artist did to hurt you people but it must have been bad. When I’m cheerful, I like to use smiley faces and my usual slang that I use with my (I guess former) friends. You call it being a “12 year old.” This is a Forum. Why do I have to write like a 60 year old? But just for you, Mike, my favorite mood killer, this post is going to read like a rough draft of a term paper.

    You seem to me like a slow learner, so I’ll spell everything out to you carefully and I hope you read it that way. I came to this site to learn if real paramedics would notice, read, and trust the information on gothic Medical ID bracelets I wanted to purchase. Yes, there were many consistent messages, but the messages were not unanimous. Eydawn, Wendy, pointed me to a site I like and offered a different some nice bracelets. Also, just so we’re clear, your answer is yes because the opinions provided were not entirely in agreement. So, I decided to do further investigation until all options were considered. I do not believe anyone lied to me, why would anyone have a reason to? I was however checking to see if a compromise could be met because it is something I will have to wear every day until it literally falls apart only to obtain another. Nothing else is going on and no I do not work for the government in case you were wondering.

    You said the picture of my scar was not enough for you. SO, I took it down because of the shame it causes me. What would be enough for you? What do you consider a reasonable amount of information on stranger should tell another on the internet?

    Where’s your proof that you’re a real paramedic? Why should I trust you or believe you? At least I tried to offer some proof. You offered me none what so ever. So why should I trust you? I was nice, friendly and polite, and cheerful until you threw accusations at me. I’m sorry I was too friendly for your taste. You’re not even a Moderator of this site so you could be a carpenter in New Zealand for all I know.

    You say I should get over my own medical problems. Maybe you’re right. However it’s definitely time for you to get over your highly suspicious attitude towards newcomers. I don’t think I asked any weird or too invasive questions. I thought they were normal for my situation. I never tried to sell you something and I have absolutely no intent of opening any kind of “shop.”

    I came here BEFORE I made a purchase or a mistake. Others say the reason for this complete mistrust is a bad experience on this website, so why come back until you have recovered. Or if this “incident” was so traumatic, why come back at all? It’s just a website. I really don’t care if you believe me or not. I’ve got real things to deal with. Plus, I got all the info about medical ID bracelets I need. I’m done.

  5. Thanks to the Moderator who PM me. The info was very helpful. Unfortunately I have a nasty uper respirtory infection at the moment, but If you Mike care to continue which your paranoid dicussions. I should be a healthier in a few days :D Because I sure don't have anything better to do lol

  6. Hi, I'm a female, but I'm not a girly girl. I wear a lot of men's clothes and things like that.

    My last post was an embarrasment. I lost my temper. I just hate being called a poser when I provide a little proof I'm not. I'm sorry to you good people out that there for having to see that.

    • Like 1
  7. Look, Mike you are seriously paranoid. I even embarrassed myself to the point of showing you the scar on my leg to ease your concerns. I've been honest since the first post. Also, I'm sorry if my internet slang doesn't meet your English standards. I could only imagine what you would think of if you heard me speak because I happen to be a Brooklyn native. I hope that I am now meeting this site’s English requirements.

    However your persistent accusations that I'm trying to sell you something and that I'm misrepresenting myself has got me puzzled and to be honest pi&**$ off. Why would I try to sell a paramedic Medical ID or tags bracelets? To be honest, while it’s a highly admirable career, an EMT's salaries are not anything to be proud of here. Is that why you are accusing me of looking for marketing ideas for some non-existent business? Are you looking for a business to supplement you low salary? Is that what is bothering you? If you really need some artistic ideas to replicate for your business, I could point you to some art web sites.

    Well, I wish you the best and have a good evening.

  8. Try this company. I wore a bracelet from them for a while back when I had a few new allergies pop up and my asthma was wicked out of control. I wore a simple steel chain link bracelet and it didn't offend my fashion sensibilities a bit...


    Based on your previous posts, I would suggest the leather flex or silicone flex bands. They blend with your style pretty easily.

    Sorry it happened, now don't be an idiot and make sure you take good care of you. Suck it up, buttercup! And good on you for asking to see what we'll notice. Not everyone thinks of that.



    CO EMT-B

    RN-ADN Student

    I must say u Rock! I had a men's leather watch like bracelet (don't care if it's men's cause it makes it look more goth and I prefer leather cause it feels like a watch not a yucky dangley bracelet) with a VERY VISIBLE ID all picked out and it had a reasonable price, when... I see the reviews-people claim that the bracelet falls apart in several different way very quickly- and it was out of stock for a while anyways.

    That was sad, but I love your attitude. Plus I now see I must comprimise a little. If you have anymore suggestions please send them my way. :innocent::thumbsup:

  9. You're not too far off. I'm a college student, but don't worry I save the slang for posting and txting. :mobile:

    Yeah, I don't think that I've ever seen true medic alert tags in anything but stainless.

    I'm sorry that being sick is messing with your swag, but truly, it does sound more like you're looking for a way to advertise your issues instead of a way to protect your life. If you really want something useful that you can count on someone seeing go with the stainless dog tags or bracelet and you'll be safe.

    Maybe write it all on a card and laminate it, or put an ICE in your cell phone and simply say, "Vital emergency information in wallet/phone".

    I think you may be right especially considering, most of you EMTs don't even have time to read my entire first post. LOL I have a slight allergy to penicillin, but I'm on Warfarin, which is a major blood thinner and I'm very prone to blood clots, which is the true reaseason for the bracelet.

    And DwayneEMTP, why in the world would I want to advertise my medical conditions for the gereral public to see? I wish I could hide it as much as possible, but that's not feasible. I only asked for a two -sider because I read online that your supposed to put every single thing that's wrong with you on it. I now realize that's overkill and I'm only putting the major stuff.

  10. I can go with one sided if I can use abbreviations or a leather cuff with an even bigger metal plate lol. But seriously, I've havd more needles than a whole crack house, so that's a big no to a tatto or regular dog tags. If not even the slightest little bit cool looking, I honestly won't wear it and that's what my mom is afraid of. Because you can't play with Warfarin. :( Why does ever single aspect of my life have to change and how dare those companies for selling sh*& that doesn't get seen.

    Please either post or PM me suggestions. I'm very crafty and there's room for compromise, I have to be an adult after all

  11. On initial exam of you if you were unable to speak I would probably ignore a big leather studded wrisband like that if I didn't see the writing at first glance. However, it would get closer inspection later on a secondary exam, while disrobing you or looking for IV sites.

    Luckily though, i would not be giving Pen or predisone to a person who cannot communicate initially anyway.....

    Medical ID's are starting to piss me off a little because we have to search them out. I like the old school metal bracelets or necklaces, now shoe tags, tattoo's, wristbands you have to open, etc.

    I am getting old though.....

    Music sucks now too ;)

    One last try my posts don't seem to be working right and can't you post pics here?

    Hey Mobey, this ain't no marketing ploy. The standard "I've fallen and I can't get up" won't work for this chick, but I understand you sckeptism, so here you go like it? lol And Mom is only tourtouring me with this Holly Hobby quilt cause she knows I can't physically run away. I'm not trying to sell you anything, but I will have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life :mad: And BTW, those compression stockings totally suck when it's freakking 90 degrees outside.

    So what do you suggest I wear? (nickle and the cheap stuff turns me green, silver is expensive and tarnishes in a day, and gold oh boy do I wish) BTW I'm not 12 can't wear the plastic stuff with hearts and kittens lol :devilish:

    Finally, it worked, but the detail didn't show up.

  12. I think if you wore those bracelets, anything like the one you pictured, you would delay any provider who might be looking for the information from actually finding it.

    Part of the benefit of things like a medic alert tag or a RoadID is the marketing that goes along with them. Prehospital and in-hospital providers know to look for them. Some random leather looking, goth style wrist band complete with a skull and crossbones will very likely be overlooked. At worst it will be missed completely. At best it will take a while to find it because nobody knows to look for it.

    You'll forgive me, too, if I'm a little skeptical that your presence here is little more than a marketing ploy.

    Hey Mobey, this ain't no marketing ploy. The standard "I've fallen and I can't get up" won't work for this chick, but I understand you sckeptism, so here you go like it? lol And Mom is only tourtouring me with this Holly Hobby quilt cause she knows I can't physically run away. I'm not trying to sell you anything, but I will have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life :mad: And BTW, those compression stockings totally suck when it's freakking 90 degrees outside.

    So what do you suggest I wear? (nickle and the cheap stuff turns me green, silver is expensive and tarnishes in a day, and gold oh boy do I wish) BTW I'm not 12 can't wear the plastic stuff with hearts and kittens lol :devilish:

    Let's try that again

  13. Me again :) Thanks for the reply docs and nurses weren't sure.

    1. So say you found me alone unconscious, like what happens next and when would you notice the bracelet?

    2.I actually have to get some similar but custom. The only place I can think of that does custom work like that is www.etsy.com, unless you have a better suggestion? The one's above are one sided and I need two because I have lots of major problems.so it's gonna be a fortune

    so I want to get it right. If you can think of any ways of indicating there's more info on the back, please let me know :punk: (Did you know

    they com in necklaces, rings, cell phone charms and keychains?) and the only website that sells this brand is www.creativemedicalid.com

    3. Is there a medical abbriation for Prednisone? I know there's one for Penicillin, I'm allergic to both of them.

    Sorry the sweet pain in the butt,


  14. Ok, I confess I'm not an EMT, but wait don't leave I really need your advice cause no one else will give me a straight answer. I live in NYC and I was told I have to wear a Medical ID forever :( . If you want the boring story, I'll post it. However, all I want to know is how can you tell a Medical ID from regular jewlery and would you think something like this could be a Medical ID Bracelt?

    Thanks so much for your opinion and please forgive my white lie :blush:

    Ok here's my boring story: I wasn't feeling well for a while, but couldn't pinpoint it. I live alone and one morning I woke up and couldn't walk. My stepfather drove 2 hours to take me to a doctor cause I didn't want to call 911 I have before and they weren't cool :( Anyways, doctor rushed me to the hospitial. I had 2 DVTs in each leg and 2 PEs. I spent a month in the hospitial but only remember flashes and clips just like in a movie. I had 3 blood transfusions but I never bleed from anywhere. They were stupped by that one. I had clot busters and 2 surgeries one being a fashiotomy for compartment syndome and it was close I almost lost my leg. I even flatlined 2 seperate times. Anyways, I now know who cares about me, My parents took care of me because the hospitial wouldn't even change my dressings (my mom actually had to go out to Duane Reade for guaze and stuff and she has no professionial experience). If I had any money I hire a lawyer, but I'm in major debt and on disability so that's the way the cookie crumbles.

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