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Status Updates posted by XXL_Medic

  1. I'm not really a Paramedic, but I play one every 3rd day. And when I drink I drink Dos Equis. Stay thirsty my friends. #EMS

  2. Just got back from Panama City Beach. I had a BLAST, got some much needed relaxation. Swam with dolphins which was cool as hell.

  3. Just heard a liberal say "over my dead body" when asked if he would vote for Romney. The conservative response was "that can be arranged"

  4. Just when I thought I was about to get to go home, a friggin' Atlanta transfer comes in! Damn these hospitals.....DAMN THEM!!!

  5. My dad always told me that if it bleeds for 7 days but doesn't die....DON'T trust it! Looking back now, maybe I should have listened...lol

  6. Ok so most Americans have conceded that @BarackObama was born in the US. Regardless of that the US is in worse shape NOW than in 2008.

  7. OMG!! @RandyOrton just RKO'd @mikethemiz I think that was a message for Miz.....#ShutUpMiz

  8. Only in the great city of Lubbock! @against_obama http://t.co/t72IG8Gd -- Crystal Castillo (@crcastil) Fantastic!

  9. Pretty bad when a liberal President like @BarackObama is losing footing in the liberal swing states. Guess people quit buying into your lies

  10. Rev. C.L. Bryant on Converting to Conservatism: ‘As a Black American You’d Be Nuts Not to Be a Republican http://t.co/obGnSXv2 via @theblaze

  11. RT this if you want Obama to grow the economy as fast as he has grown the debt. http://t.co/mRa0CdIp

  12. Seems liberals can dish it out but when you return fire they scatter like a covey of quails. Run, you little bitches, run! We're coming!

  13. So now using words like Flu, Cloud, Mexico, Pork, could trigger an alert and make the user a target of a DHS investigation. WTF!?

  14. So the liberal left is at it again. Doing their best to smear Romney/Ryan.

  15. So the Obama campaign has begun their attack on Ryan. These idiots will stoop to the lowest levels possible.

  16. That was indeed a cheap shot by @CMPunk to @JerryLawler tonight on #Raw and while I respect Punk, I don't respect his actions tonight!

  17. The libs are now saying that @MittRomney and @PaulRyanVP will be worse than @BarackObama for this country. How could they be worse?

  18. The only ones against voter ID are those that can't win honestly and must resort to cheating and underhanded tactics like our current POTUS!

  19. This one is for the liberal leftist out there. My nightstand looks almost identical, except I have more ammo. http://t.co/bLvvgwz0

  20. Tony Scott, successful Hollywood director, millionaire, husband, and father dies after jumping from bridge! Something isn't adding up!

  21. Until Obama is voted out, there will be NO changes made. Just continued wasteful spending, unemployment, and embarrassment.

  22. What the American people want from Obama school transcripts, thesis paper, tax returns, REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and resignation letter!

  23. Why can't the liberal media just stop making excuses for @BarackObama and his administration's failed policies. #Romney2012

  24. Would love to see all these smartasses who constantly remark that @CMPunk needs "muscles" get in the ring one on one. Wouldn't last a minute

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