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Posts posted by traumamedic

  1. hI, Just seen your request for PDA stuff. For drug reference you cant epocrates.com They have a free version that is unreal! This is the one that most doctors use on their PDA'S. I have it on mine and it's great! You need to just follow instructions at their site. Also you must hotsync/update at least every 2 weeks to keep it going. It is easy once you have it setup. When you hotsync it will automatically update your drugs (and new ones) when your computer is online! I have 2 links to other cool PDA sites on my (links) page at my web site that is great for medics. Of course its FREE.! lol


    good luck.........

  2. :lol:

    Hi, Can i suggest going to my skills page where you can print quizes or tests, or copy and e-mail to your people to take. There is an endless choice of topics. Yea sure? How much? FREE, Yep thats right! Also try the mega code interactive simulators for fun and learning. I made my site for EMT'S to keep their skills fresh. Check it out, you wont be dissapointed!!

    Thank you all for what you do!! www.traumamedic.com

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