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Posts posted by Street_Dancer

  1. Skinut.....

    I think that you and your partner were correct in your pathway that you were taking. You gave me a pretty good general impression (of the MEDIC) by reporting that he STORMED in. Standard procedure in that system? to STORM The EMT's without even questioning where they are in their alorhithm?? HE (or she for that matter) has no idea how long you have been there, what you have completed prior to his/her arrival, etc. I mean simply, you probably would have turned around to the guy had he given you the chance and state "We just got here and STARTED our assessment" indicating that you haven't had time to evaluate the patient and make a care decision before his majesty's arrival.

    If you guys were JUST there and had just made intro's/determined level of Consiousness then you hadn't moved onto the next part. I do like my lung sounds done under B of my ABC's just because I haven't ruled it out as an immediate life threat or not. I guess the medic just needed a little more tact in his approach? Tell me this, how would you have felt if the medic came in (on a crital patient) grabbed the lung sounds while you finished your intro. or two, seeing it's a non-critical patient ASK you two for an update? I like either of those approaches when working in an ALS/BLS tiered system. If I have the time to play, ask for a report, if I don't, don't discredit or re-do what the Basic's already have done. Work from the baseline set, and move forward.....as a team.


  2. The AAOS put out a VHS series a few years back that shows real footage of actual patient calls. I have seen other real footage in programs such as PEPP, PALS, NALS, etc. Another thing to look at could be 24/7 EMS. Although they do not do real footage, they are acted with real paramedics and EMT's.

    Just a couple of things to look at.


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