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Posts posted by Ignite44

  1. Considering I'm working on getting started on a BS in paramedicine degree this year, I sure hope so!

    Seriously, though, a bachelors degree DOES confer a lot of benefits, although they're not always immediately received. You make yourself more competitive for employment and promotion, learn a lot about management and business and hopefully get some additional clinical knowledge out of it as well, and--arguably most importantly--give yourself the option to continue on to to graduate school or some other non-EMS profession if EMS doesn't pan out for you.

    Where I live (Kansas), an associates degree is required to become a paramedic here, however unfortunately we don't have any bachelors degree programs in EMS here. I'm currently looking at Northern Arizona University and the University of Pittsburgh for my four year degree (as they have online options and also give credit for existing paramedics/paramedics with AAS degrees).

    thanks, I was just thinking spending-wise if going for the BS would be worth it. As you probably know, a community college is way cheaper than a 4 year college.
  2. Central Washington University has offered a BS for many years. Pre-reqs plus year of program land you with your certificate. They now have the 3rd year (3 year BS) designed to be your first year in the field, and is available all online. It focuses on management, finance and research rather than the CC-P side however. They are now accepting anyone with the 2 year EMS degree to take the 3rd year online and get your bachelors.



    Edited to add program URL

    Thanks for the info. I'm not interested in the management part, at least not yet but maybe in the future

    I would ensure any degree has a good amount of foundational coursework. Pre calculus, Statistics, Humanities and Behavioural sciences classes should be the bare minimum. This makes the transition to a higher degree or the pursuit of another degree much easier. Unfortunately, this is often where AAS degrees fail. Many people with AAS degrees may lack enough of these classes because their degree is so focused. Then, you are playing catch up when trying to complete a BA/BS.

    So the BS is the best option. thanks, this helped alot.
  3. From one new member to another, welcome! It's nice to see younger people (like myself) interested in and participating in the EMS community. I think you'll come to enjoy this forum. I know that I do and appreciate what I've learned since joining.

    I'm glad there is someone else like me here, I'm also happy to hear that you enjoy and appreciate what you have learned here, as that is exactly why I joined this forum.
  4. Today, while I was looking at and applying to colleges, I found a school that offers a BS in emergency services(specifically in critical care paramedic) , but all of the other schools I am applying to offer an AAS. My question is: is there a benefit to having a BS over an AAS?

  5. Hey, Ignite! Welcome to the City Brother...

    I too am impressed with your knowledge of the path you'd like to explore so early in life. And your first post certainly makes a great impression.

    Remember though, there's much more to be gained by participating than by watching. Use this venue to practice airing your opinions in front of those that will criticize and judge them, sometimes harshly, as that will be your daily life as a medic.

    Good to have you! I look forward to your thoughts....


    Thanks for the advice. Being from NYC(now living in Minnesota) I am used to harsh responses. As long as its actually constructive and helpful, I'm good.
  6. hello everyone! I have been looking around this forum for about a week. I have found alot of the topics to and people here to be very helpful, so I decided to join. To introduce myself to all of you, I am 17 and a senior in highschool. I am currently in an EMT-B class and work part time as a CNA. I love the healthcare field and plan on going to school to become a paramedic next year.

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