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Posts posted by Gardenia

  1. About two months ago I lost my fiance to an epileptic seizure. After all was said and done I found myself lost and disoriented in life's direction. After all I had just witnessed someone very dear to my heart die right in front of me. Needless to say I was the only one by his side to call for an ambulance to transport him to the hospital where he was finally declared deceased. The one thing I remember as they were hauling him into the back of the ambulance and me into the front was the look of sympathy the driver had given me as if he had been in my very same position at one point in his life. I've noticed since his passing that situations that would normally require a very high constitution to deal with do not seem to bother me in the slightest. I suppose when you feel as though you've stared death right in the face it takes a bit more than blood and the disturbing to upset you. So here I am now, a 24 year old female with a background in healthcare (still licensed as a CPht / certified pharmacy technician) with not much else to keep her going except the need and want to help others in times of need. I am attempting to apply to the EMS Academy (run by the Cleveland Clinic) and would appreciate any pointers or tips that would aid in directing me down this newly opened career path.

    Greetings and Much Thanks,

    Ash from Cleveland

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