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Posts posted by Jinxie3119

  1. So I have been an EMT for a little over a year now and I am 20. The other night I went out to party and had a lot to much. (this is the first time with alcohol by the way) I dont remember much but I was told that I was over emotional about a lot of bad calls that I have been on and I related those calls to the death of a good friend. I dont feel that I am still holding it all in but I dont understand why they came out the way that they did. Am I really holding it all inside or was this just because of a recent death of a good friend?

  2. My first code was a double drowning. She was the same age as I was. 19. We showed up on scene on a busy 4th of July weekend and they had already pulled our patient out of the water and she was in full cardiac arrest. My medic partner intubated and police officer and I had traded compressions and ventilations. We finally got her back on scene and began transportation. We transfered to the hospital and air lifted her to another hospital. It was my first and I was so proud that we got her back that I thought she would make a recovery. One week later I was told that she had died of a lung infection. The other victim that had drowned that day was her husband, he was pronounced on scene. They left behind a one year old daughter. Two weeks later we get dispatched to another drowning. 12 year old was in v-fib, shocked her four times and with the famous "one more round" she came back and by the time we got her from the beach to the ambo she was trying to breathe on her own. One week later she was released from the hospital. I will never forget the first call but it always helps with a save to follow. Unfortunatly I am one for five on codes. SUCKS.

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