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Posts posted by jclutts

  1. Awesome, I have lots of family/contacts spread across southern Il. Thats why I was asking.

    (You all consider anything south of Chicago as southern, right? ;) )

    Welcome, dive in and have fun.


    Where is your family located in SO I'LL? I am at the very bottom of the state! :)


  2. Yes I have been to Buncombe, I actually went to grade school at Lick Creek School which has a Buncombe address, we also played sports there. Neat little town. I love Giant City park, I go rappelling with my search and rescue team as much as possible!

    I know the area well. Beautiful area- Giant City( The lodge has the best fried chicken and dumplings in the world), Devils Kitchen, Lake Kincaid, - had a great time down there. I'm at the other end of the state now. Ever go to Buncombe? There used to be a small general store there that sold shoes- specifically cowboy boots- from a back room at greatly discounted prices. (Apparently they would "find" shipments that fell off trucks. LOL) Back then, it was one of the coolest small towns I had ever seen.

    I really need to get back down there and see my alma mater- SIU. It's been too long.

  3. Hello all! It has been awhile but I was a member in 2008 while going through my basic class, but haven't been on in awhile. Since then I have changed my email address so I had to get a new username because I couldn't remember my password! :) I have been working as a part time EMT-Basic since August 2008. I also work full time evenings at another job, but am hoping to find a different job soon so that I can start with a Paramedic class! I just wanted to tell everyone hello! :)


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