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Posts posted by Can919

  1. wow.. thanks everyone for your input... I knew it was hard to get settled out west but Im not gonna lie.. Kinda feel naive right now.. I guess i may have bit off more than I could chew.

    I think i just assumed that because the service is provincially run rather than municipally, there would be a bit more opportunity for paramedics to get a bit more recognition. In Toronto especially, the medics are up in arms becuase we are not considered an essential service. City workers (ie. garbage collectors) get more prority than us.

    I have to ask though... Is there a reason why full time isnt offered right away? and why part time hours are so little? is it just budget? or is it because there are too many vetrans not leaving

  2. Iam a certified PCP but havent worked in a service since graduation (1year ago). So im a paramedic sans ambulance. Ive sent applications to Mainland and Interior regions but my station selection is limiting me. Coquitlim, port Coquitlim, Richmond, Vernon, Westbank and Kelwona were my choices.

    Ive travelled to BC several times on vacation so I am not very certain about the job prospects around the province.

    Any one have suggestions of better station selections within the areas Ive mentioned that would allow me a better chance?

    Thank you so much in advance

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