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Posts posted by Jimmytwoshoes

  1. I'm curious as to what, in your substandard training as an EMT, lead you to think this?

    Before you get all bent out of shape, understand that this isn't a slam on you personally. It's a slam on the EMT provider level as a whole. EMT education in the US is woefully inadequate and doesn't really prepare anyone for anything even remotely medicine related. Don't confuse contempt for the system with contempt for you as an individual.

    Only what I have learned through the courses that I've taken, and reading EMS mags and such. I don't have very much "real experience" with the GCS score, so all of this information is really helpful in finding out if I'm on the right track with the idea that I had. Since the only way I have to experience how medics actually USE the GCS is in my local area, I figured this forum would be a great place to gain more knowledge of how it is actually used by many different people in different parts of the country so that I can make a more informed decision on wether I was on the right track with a good idea, or just pissing in the wind. All of the comments have been great and very much appreciated, and I can respect your opinion on the EMT provider level. I do not take it to heart.

  2. So "jim"

    You sign up to the city today at 11.49 and 9 minute later you post your first question, which is...

    How many of US

    Bloke, if you need to ask that question for "product research" i suggest you either have no freaking idea about what goes on in ambulance, emergency health or healthcare in general and your "research" has been less than thorough.

    You could have picked up ANY medical text and come up with the answer whoch you seek. Its a standard used nearly most of the world over and your "research" should aready have told you that.

    I understand that it is in the textbook, and that everyone has to learn it to pass a test, but I am not sure about how many actually use the point system the way it was intended. What I am finding out is that it is very different around the country going from mandatory to no use at all. It's interesting to see the variances between EMS providers from different areas, and the different ways that it is used. I am a firefighter/EMT in FL, but we are not a transport agency. I've done plenty of ride alongs with the county (who does the transports) but have never seen them use the GCS score. I know how it is used in my local area, but I was basically trying to figure out on more of a National and Global scale if it is widely USED (not just learned). And not only if it is used, but how. I'm finding out that for some, when the patient is handed over to the ED that they do not necessarily give them a GCS score so much as the responses that were seen by the medic to give an overall view of the patient's LOC.

    I believe that the GCS is a very important part of an assessment, especially in a head injury patient, and my product idea would completely simplify the process of assessing for GCS and keeping an accurate score.

    So before you judge me based on the fact that I just signed up for this forum, just take a second to realize, that because you know how your department operates, does not mean that everyone around the country does it the same way, and that is the information that I am looking for. I can read medical textbooks all day long and not be able to find that information. Maybe I should have elaborated a bit more when I first asked the question and for that I apologize. This information is very useful for me and appreciate the help.

  3. Hi,

    I'm doing some research for a new product idea that I have and was wondering how many of us out there use the glascow coma scale?

    If you do, how often?

    Is it confusing for you to remember the point system?

    and which part of the country are you from?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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