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Posts posted by MrWig

  1. Presumably, since your LPO was able to attempt to send it to your mother after trying to send it to NR that you have copies of your paper work. Am I reading this correctly?

    Make sure you have the copies of the paperwork and call them. Tell them your situation and ask what options you have available to you. Stress your military attachment AND deployment. I have no idea if it'll help you in terms of dealing with them or not. But it's all I could think of and I'd hate to see you get shafted because of a deployment.

    Good luck.

    Ive been down this road, as of now i have no copies, from all that i made my hm1 lost the one i left in the BAS and I cant find the extra that i had prior to my deployment. That is my fault and i do take responsibility for that. The wall that I keep hitting is I cant speak to anyone besides the basic "contact us" numbers of NREMT. im also calling from skype and i have to stay up till midnight here to give them a call, not impossible just makes the whole situation worse..ive called a number of times for the phone to just ring. I didnt know if anyone knew a better point of contact for official NREMT policy?

    thanks for your response

  2. Is there anyone out there that can help me or knows someone who can. I am based in okinawa im a navy corpsman based w/ marines. In okinawa there is no Paramedic program, nor does anyone in the military really care to help you out if you are. I set up my own program and worked directly under a LCDR in the ER and took an emt-basic refresher. Soon as i returned from the ER I was told I was going to afghanistan although i still needed a few signatures, one way or the other I had to hand it off to my Leading petty officer at my clinic w/ instructions on how to mail it. Anyway NREMT got it and returned it saying there were things missing (while im in afghanistan) my LPO went to our doctor and got the rest done and sent it off. NREMT never got it.. then I told him to just mail it to my mother and she'll take care of it. she never got it. Long story short Im back from afghan no record of my recert around and its been a year.. NOT TO MENTION in okinawa its impossible to recert. Is there any law or protocol for something like this, am i really to blame for serving over seas and in afghanistan? Taking time off to take a real legit refresher in the states was NOT an option. Please if anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it.

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  3. I just had another question I wanted to piggy back on. Im currently a FMF corpsman, just came back from afghanistan and served w/ marines in a combat zone, I took fire and had members in my convoy blown up numerous times. I was also a 911 emt for about 3 years and a paramedic for 2. I know triple canopy is one of the big boys of the contract world are there lesser services that have great pay. Im just looking for some points of contact or if someone can just shine some light on this for me. I have another 2 years, im currently in japan but ill be done w/ my service soon and just want to try and line something up.


  4. I love these type of discussions. Im willing to move damn near anywhere to get a great EMS/FIRE career. Austin still seems like it stands alone. Phoenix sounds great too but it's difficult to rate different style systems against each other. I mean one is ALS fire and one is a seperate EMS service.

    :cry: :? :twisted:

  5. Shoot, in Louisiana as an EMT-Basic im making a whoping 9-10$/hr depending on what truck i work. Last year i got awesome pay w/ the same company at 6.50 an hour on a 24 hour truck. Let's hear it for katrina relief!!! wohooo

    Doesnt really matter until wendy's pays 12$ hr in teh same area

  6. First i would like to say, hey to mr dust devil. It's been awhile sir.

    Secondly, Austin has to be one of the greatest cities to live in hands down. I myself have lived in a number of cities and visited much more, Austin is a great place. Although the secret is out and the population boom can be noticed. As far as Austin EMS is concerned, it was ranked 16 in the nation by JEMS.

    Hopefully in a few months ill graduate my paramedic class and move there and grab a spot. If anyone on here can give me some pointers for the testing or ideas on preparation lemme know.

    Thanks again.

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