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EMT City Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by brentoli

  1. http://yfrog.com/75agudj first icicle of the year. On a related note my phone doesn't do a very good job at a close up focus.
  2. Toys R Us in Muncie is a joke. I highly suggest not to go there. The wild kids were better and easier to deal with then the employees.

  3. Goodnight FB, see you in 7 hours!

  4. Go big. Never consider going home an option. Always. Go. Big.

  5. Grrrrrrrrreat day today! Goodnight!

  6. I am with the most socially awkward person ever.......Tim Hall.

  7. Yeah! RT @JimCantore A chance could see a wave of #SNOW come through the upper giving many a White Thanksgiving. Yes Chicago your in this.

  8. Ever just sit back and think... "Yeah, I'm lucky." Try it sometime, You'll see life isn't as bad as you try to make it.

  9. Ever just sit back and think... "Yeah, I'm lucky." Try it sometime, You'll see life isn't as bad as you try to make it.

  10. RT @funnyoneliners: My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.

  11. 7 you're a great person I'm so glad you and your family are in love with my daughter! Come get her soon!

  12. Took benadryl. Eyes closing slorly. Ears fddl Bette thought.

  13. WAY to early right now to pin something down, BUT, don't be surprised if we get a significant (6"+) snow over the weekend.

  14. wow..... Community was deep tonight......

  15. http://bit.ly/gsmEY7 I don't care for AccuWeather at all..I'll pass along for your benefit, theyre calling for white xmas across 50% of US.
  16. Awake. Unfortunately. Have to clean up the garage today. Its such a beautiful day for it.

  17. May the Schwartz be with you.

  18. http://bit.ly/gVRau9 Clark County (IN) #EMS LODD - Preliminary info.
  19. Jasper will be 14 months in a couple weeks....... and I still haven't learned how to change a super-poop without getting my hand in it.

  20. If you're interested in casual weather talk join WWW.skywarnforum.com use brentoli as referred by. they are looking for new members!

  21. Wow. RT @EvansvilleWatch South Bend, IN - Grieving dog drawn to savior's grave> http://ow.ly/3gfmR

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