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Posts posted by Thumpah

  1. Go for cars like Volvo's or Subaru's. They are pretty well known for safety. Personally, for family's I'd recommend the Subaru forester. Nice alternative to an SUV and it's a lot safer. As far as trucks are concerned, they really aren't all that safe. Sure if you hit bumper to bumper at low speeds you'll be ok, but hi speed with a big truck like that means HUGE high center of gravity problems. Go with what works for you. This is all opinion on my part.

  2. Well, I'm not an EMT yet, but where I work it's 8 hours before you even get to think about sitting. The best thing I've found is good shoe insoles. After 4 years of this, my feet are iron. But I'll admit that after a long day, after I've sat for a few minutes, my feet start to ache for a bit. Try some insoles and maybe get some better shoes.

  3. Thanks to everybody who replied. Just as follow up, no matter what, I'm going to finish my degree. It's only a 2 year degree, no real reason to stop once I've started. The course at my college will get you a basic lisence and if you with to, you can enroll in the EMT Intermediate 2 year degree program. My idea is to finish my degree, or possibly take a summer lisence course before I graduate. Regardless, I really appreciate all the information you guys gave me.

  4. Hello all, I'm new but from what I've read I think I'm going to fit right in. At this point in my life, I'm finding that my path in college isn't very much my thing anymore. I've wanted to be a Medic since I was little, but when it came time for college, I was pushed in the direction of higher pay, computers. Don't get me wrong, it's good work and it pays great. The only problem is that it is quite possibly the most boring way to make a living. The college that I'm going to now offers an EMT Basic course that takes 3 months. This is where I have some questions.

    Firstly, there is an accelerated course. My question is whether or not someone with no formal training in medicine could feasibly do an accelerated course. My parents are both in medical lab jobs and I've grown up around blood and medicine all my life. I even passed an online practice exam.

    Secondly, I'm not going in blind here. I've done a ride along with a local Private company. Capital Ambulance of Bangor Maine. It was the most fun I'd ever had. My question here is about my current work experience. I'm currently a supervisor at a local restaurant after 4 years of employment. I'm not at all squeemish. I've cleaned puke, crap and blood up so many times that I've lost count, and I've had people in my face screaming at me every day. That on top with a store open 24hours, I'm very used to working at 4am one day and 2pm the next. Would you consider someone who would do well finding employment seeing as I have management experience and stay with jobs?

    Lastly, would you consider $12 dollars an hour a good starting pay for a Basic at a private company?

    Thanks so much in advance for any advice.

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