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Posts posted by Seth_Martin

  1. So i am 20 years old and currently knocking out my pre recs at a community college. I aspire to be a paramedic and it wont be long until i enter my school's ems program. I have done plenty of research about the career and everything that it entails, and it has drawn me in like nothing else i have considered thus far. Furthermore, i have some strengths that would be suitable for this type of work.

    However, what i lack right now is words of wisdom from those in the field, and if you guys and gals at emtcity don't mind, i would love to hear from you. Basically, how do you feel about being an EMT or Paramedic and what advice can you give me?

    Additionally, i would like some feedback on some concerns that i have. I understand that this job sometimes requires fast decision making, and i have a low-average ability to immediatly process new information (revealed in an IQ test). This doesn't mean i can't make quick decisions, i just may not react as fast as others. Will this create problems for me in the field? If so, how can i overcome this? Given, with repitition and hands on training, I have no problem memorizing things to a second nature.

    Thank you for any comments.

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