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Posts posted by basic2be

  1. I think this show paints a pretty bad picture for the few of us willing to do this job. Some of the events were interesting i.e.. the drunk vs. kid. I liked the way the medic put the situation into perspective for the onlooker who wanted the guy to die. But otherwise it is just another misconstrued reality offered up by hollywood for the general population to know even more about something they don't know about. Oh well as long as somebody gets rich at someone elses expense. I can't wait for someone else to tell me i am doing my job wrong because they saw it the "right way" on TV. <JUST MY WORTHLESS TWO CENTS OF RANT>

  2. Even as a basic, I see way too many hot shot idiots on 911 performing at the basic level. Really, think about it, for the most part basic certification is no more than being rewarded for showing up to a class, reading at a 8th grade level, and passing some basic skills . I agree with Aysin and Dust if money is no object dual medic crews for 911! However for cost effectiveness in the current world. Basic drivers work OK too.

  3. Thank you for all the opposite viewpoints! I also agree with a lot of the points of learning the trucks, protocals, maps etc.. As well as 60-90min of the shift spent on the phone as being excessive. But I still emphasize my original statement in that some systems you are not running gung ho all day and once your responsibilities are complete i see little harm in an quick phone call. Thanks again for all the input and i really appreciate learning from the contributors on this site.

    "To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid"

    --Random T-shirt

  4. Give me a break dust! If your not driving and without pt. what the hell is wrong w/ saying hi on the phone. Some of you holier than thou's on this website really make me laugh. Do you ever sit back and wonder why people consider you hard to approach, you only get one ride around on this rock and aslong as your not hurting anyone, LIVE IT UP!!!!

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