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Posts posted by HBEMT

  1. To err is human...to blame it on someone else shows management potential...

    Kids in the backseat cause accidents..accidents in the backseat cause kids

    The more u complain..the longer I'll keep u alive

    Work...that annoying time between naps

    I am a paramedic, I dont have a license to kill...I have a learners permit!

    Stupidity should be painful

    and my favorite...

    Hes not dead...hes electroencephalalographically challenged

  2. I'm thinking dt's from morphine, given the drenched clothes and empty pill bottles...he was probably thinking there wasn't enough aspirin or alcohol in the world to solve that problem... Wonder what his glucose levels are? and is it possible he seized or did he just pass out?

  3. Ok...let me start with "I know nothing!" being I just finished emt school...So I'm just throwing this out there....Is it possible this patient had appendicitis which was somewhat controlled by the antibiotics but not strong enough to prevent it from bursting ..constipation may be a side effect of inflammed appendix and surrounding bowels and if it burst, then the internal bleed might cause the low b/p and signs of shock which was only exascerbated by the diuretics? Thinking the hypothyroidism might be a little less significant than previously thought...ok, dont hurt me!

  4. I passed! Everything....now what?

    Any ideas or suggestions while putting my resume together...and can anyone discuss how their first interviews went; what type of questions they asked? I have no clue what to expect...Would love to hear any and all suggestions.


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