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Posts posted by EmsChick85

  1. :o I know the info a basic needs 2 know!! I was just asking because I told my mom and others what I should do for it!! But they do not believe me so I wanted someone else 2 put it in writting so I could show them that I know wtf I am talking about!! Thats all so thanks for your info!! :mad:
  2. :confused: Okay so this might be a stupid question but remember Im only a basic!! Okay so on Thanksgiving I ended up falling down (thanks 2 cusions) on my knuckles which are now swollen & bruised!! I can move my fingers but when I put slight pressure onto my pinky knuckle and move the finger you get a rice krispie (sp) feeling!! My uncle thinks that it is a boxer's break but others do not think so!! People are telling me that if it was broken I would not be able to move it!! So my question is do you think that it is broken?? I am going for an x ray later today but I thought that I would ask!! Thanks!! :bonk:
  3. Hey my name is Shannon and I am an EMT-B right now and soon I will be an EMT-I. I do not know what else to say except that I am your average EMS student trying to survive clinicals!! Dont get me wrong I love doing this job its just that there is a lot of hours and things to remember as a newbie!!

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