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Posts posted by MattW

  1. Agree with #12

    This is for those of you who may think Im a bit of a Man Basher... :thumbsup:

    1. Aspire to be Ken - He has Barbie and is able to keep her in the lifestyle that she deserves.

    2. If the shoe fits - Buy lots as you will need them for that long walk home because you said a dumb man thing.

    3. Take you wife with a pinch of salt, a wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila - she may then forget you said a dumb man thing.

    4. In need of a support group? Stripclub with the boys.

    5. Go on a 30 day diet - yep got nothing

    6. When life gets you down - Get your wife to get it back up.

    7. Let your greatest fear be PMS - Enough said

    8. I know I'm in my own little world, but it's ok. They have naked boobies there

    9. Lead me not into temptation, I was already led there by the nice girl on the corner.

    10. Don't get your knickers in a knot; It solves nothing, makes you walk funny and the neighbouts think your alittle light in the loafers

    11. When your wife gives you lemons - Turn into lemonade then mix it with vodka, give it your wife, say I'm sorry, again you said a dumb man thing to get the lemons in the first place.

    12. Remember wherever there is a good looking, sweet, single or married woman...she is Canadian

    13. Keep your chin up - again nothing

    14. If it has boobs and a vajaja its going to give you trouble once a month for 20 years and then there is menopause.

    15. By the time a man realizes his mother was right, he has a wife who thinks he's wrong.

  2. I'm going to presume that you're thinking of attending OCC or WCCC?

    The EMT-B program through a community college is going to be pretty much the same no matter where you go.

    Any idea which company you're planning on applying to after completion?

    I used to work in the Metro area, so I know a couple things....


    I called all the companies I could find in the Detroit area last summer...none said they were hiring. Now I am told by a friend in the business (Who used to work for Universal, and is now at a hospital) that companies are hiring now, but according to the websites only Community EMS is announcing openings for EMT-B's. I'm not going to start a program until this summer...so there is some time. Do some Detroit-area companies have better reputations than others?

  3. Hello,

    I'm glad I found this site. I guess I might be unusual among people considering going into EMS. I am 29, and since graduating high school, I got an undergrad degree and went to law school, practiced as a lawyer for less than a year, and found out it wasn't for me, I returned to school to get my teaching certificate, worked as a substitute teacher for a year and now teach middle school, and am also not happy. A friend of mine suggested I go to EMS academy last summer (when I was still looking, apparently in vain, for teaching jobs), and lately, I haven't been able to shake the thought. I like the idea of helping people, as well as the excitement and variety of things I will see during an EMS shift. I must also say, though, that the idea of a workday that has a definite start-and-end time, even if extremely long, is appealing to me. I am not squeamish and also am focused and confident that I can complete the program. I understand the pay is low, especially to begin. I guess my main questions are?

    1) Will completing the EMT program at a community college truly prepare me for what I am going to be expected to do as an EMT?

    2) What are job prospects for EMT's in the metro Detroit area?

    3) How out of place am I going to be in this field, given my age and background?

    4) Is it practice for ambulance companies to offer ride-alongs to those considering entering a program, or is that something that is done once you are in?

    If anyone has any answers to the above, I would truly appreciate it. I look forward to participating more in this forum.

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