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Posts posted by FSU-EMT

  1. Keep your chin up! I have lived in Florida all my life, and although most fire departments run EMS down south, there are still plenty of countys that are seperate. I believe polk county is seperate, and most countys in north Forida are. I have to agree with you though that a lot of fire medics were forced to become paramedics and some despise it. Florida is a tough place to find a job, I recently just got my 10th rejection letter by the hospital where I live. And as far as nursing and even fire academy, have you looked online? I know you can attend fire school online, and I'm sure the same is true of nursing. Worse comes to worse you'll have to settle for a private taxi service, but a lot of those companies in the bigger cities actually answer 9-11 calls or at least have mutual aid agreements. Don't give up and eventually something will pan out!

  2. The engine at my department carries very basic medical supplies. However the county's ems unit is never far behind! What we do carry is pretty much the standard, cpr mask, stethascope and bp cuff. Bandages and splits, saline. We also carry 2 backboards at all time and we have a bag dedicated to c-collars.

    The engine at my department carries very basic medical supplies. However the county's ems unit is never far behind! What we do carry is pretty much the standard, cpr mask, stethascope and bp cuff. Bandages and splits, saline. We also carry 2 backboards at all time and we have a bag dedicated to c-collars.

  3. I work for a first responder agency. we do not transport, we have our local ems agency transport all patients. Lately I have been making all effort to NOT have to result in a patient being transported unless their life is in danger. For example I wanted on scene for about 30 minutes waiting for a patients family to come get them and transport the patient their self. I think I did the right thing, but by doing that am I cheating the local ems agency out of runs? your thoughts please

  4. We have vehicles like this. Our supervisors drive a suburban, then we have 2 jeep cherokees, a blazer, and a ford taurus. We also have a gems golf cart and a regular golf carts. The jeep cherokee is the best, tough enough to jump over curbs and big enough to pack full of equipment.

  5. -wallet

    -keys (both to the rig and to my own vehicle)

    -ID badge with ID card, copy of my certs, and a shamrock for good luck!


    -pen light

    -ink pen

    -radio with mic

    -steth around neck

    -lockable pocket knife with a seat belt cutter and a window punch on it


    -smokes and a lighter

    -personal cellphone

    -Ipod and head phones

    -aviator/ wayferer sunglasses for extreme cool facotr

    In the rig we have the standard stuff (traffic vests, flash lights etc...)

    we also carry our protocols and orders in our clipboard.

    Also about the fanny pack, I used to be required to wear one when I was a lifeguard, but we always turned them around so they were on our butt. In those we'd have basic first aid stuff ie.. bandages and ointment, Also a pocket mask and a whistle

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