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Posts posted by driver

  1. Did you just join to give EMT's and Paramedics shit??? Wow you signed up today and got -11 or whatever I think thats a new record!!!

    Good to know i set new record :D Giving ems crew middle finger while they trying to get around you going code 3 is not the same as posting on the net and telling them what you think.

  2. Also, Driver, could you explain to me how on a one lane per direction road, in an area where drivers are supposed to pull to the right, possibly into a parking lane, how it becomes a failure of the emergency vehicle driver not to be able to get past this errant driver, especially when the same rules say the ambulance shouldn't use the parking lane, as someone attempting to follow the law might then end up cutting the E.V off, and forcing them off the road?

    It's very simple actually. The driver should use all available room to get around the vehicle or he/she can just crawl behind that vehicle till he is able to pass it.

  3. Driver:

    1) Are you a member of an Emergency Medical Service, or any emergency service?

    2) How long have you been with that service?

    3) In that service, have you gone through an Emergency Vehicle Operator's Course, or an equivalent class?

    From what I have seen of your postings, I believe the answer to these questions is a resounding NO.

    (Speaking from 37 years of New York City area ambulance crew experience, and my Aussie friend from at least 5 , and probably more, years of experience)

    Did you even have to ask that question? The very obvious answer is NO, NO, NO

  4. LOL! You my friend are what we Australians refer to as a Tosser…

    So, if you came to Australia you would give way to emergency services? because:

    A: You WILL be issued a penalty notice.

    B: Police can pull you over without probable cause.

    Just because your not issued with any pentiles in America doesn't make your actions right!

    If i come to Australia, i will be a tourist and have no business driving my self around as I would get lost.

    So, by your refusal to pull over and let an emergency vehicle, traveling at emergency status, with all authorized emergency lights, sirens and air horns engaged, you get your jollies by potentially hurting strangers whom the emergency vehicle is attempting to get to, by deliberately and maliciously delaying said emergency vehicle's response?

    I sure do. It's not my fault that driver is not skilled enough to get around me.

  5. Keep in mind, driver, that what goes around comes around. One of these days it'll be you or someone you love that needs that ambulance. I hope you remember this thread when that day comes and realize you have no room to complain if you have a longer than expected response time. You are a heartless jerk and a coward. One day your holier-than-thou attitude will catch up with you. I'll bet you get a kick out of tailgating other drivers, too.

    :D I can only die once so if an ambulance do not get in time to me oh well i guess i will not make it. Yes i am hearthless jerk and coward and enjoy it every minute of my life.

  6. Since when was this about forcing a car through an intersection. You were talking about taking an affirmative action to box in an ambulance.

    I was replying to that specific case. Generally yes if an officer witness the incident of driver refusing to pull over for emergency vehicle a ticket can be issued.

    Someone posted Texas law, I now add from the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Laws:

    The law that you posted is nice on paper but useless in real life. A cop needs to actually witness the violation and pull you over. Unless that happens all the laws in the world can't do anything about it.

  7. Regrettably, "Driver" is essentially correct.

    Here in NY, the LEOs have to witness the transgression before a ticket can be issued. Even a dash cam shows the offending car, that isn't pulling over, from the rear, unlike the red light camera ticket, which IS issued to the owner of the vehicle.

    A generalized thought I have often heard is, most drivers pull over when they see that big grill of an engine or truck company, as they are so big, they can put a hurting on the offending vehicle, and it's people. As stated, a cop car's crews can ticket an offending driver, but we in the ambulances do not seem to have any recourse.

    I was planning on using the PA system to request drivers to pull to the right, saying, "we might be responding to your family", but another tech reminded me, "what if that driver is in a fight with the other family members, and (s)he wishes them ill?"

    One beautiful moment was, a driver refused to get out of my ambulance's way, at a traffic light where the direction of both the car and ambulance was the same. She waited until the light changed, then pulled SLOWLY to the right. It was so satisfying to see the lights of a cop car start up behind her and pull her over. The cops normally sat, just out of obvious view of the street, to ticket the cars that pass the red light, and had witnessed the entire thing!

    The driver that got pulled over can actually win if she knows what she is doing. A siren can't force a driver to drive through red light unless they feel safe. So technically that driver did not violated the law if I understand your story correctly.

  8. Police don't need probable cause to pull you over, probable cause is not relevant in this situation because there isn't a warrant for your arrest, the police are merely doing a roadside check and if they find a fault with your vehicle you will be charged accordingly, the same as any road user, its all perfectly legal… If you fail to give an RBT then you'll also be arrested.

    In Australia, good luck trying to sue the police for such a petty cause… It's a state government authority, hope you have a mountain of money and some good lawyers.

    Your cause is futile.

    Australian Road Laws:

    Giving way to police and emergency vehicles

    (1) A driver must give way to a police or emergency vehicle that is displaying a flashing blue or red light (whether or not it is also displaying other lights) or sounding an alarm.

    Penalty: 5 penalty units.

    Note 1 Emergency vehicle and police vehicle are defined in the dictionary.

    Note 2 For this rule, give way means—

    (a) if the driver is stopped—remain stationary until it is safe to proceed; or

    (B) in any other case—slow down and, if necessary, stop to avoid a collision— see the definition in the dictionary.

    (2) This rule applies to the driver despite any other rule that would otherwise

    require the driver of a police or emergency vehicle to give way to the driver.

    Police don't need probable cause to pull you over, probable cause is not relevant in this situation because there isn't a warrant for your arrest, the police are merely doing a roadside check and if they find a fault with your vehicle you will be charged accordingly, the same as any road user, its all perfectly legal… If you fail to give an RBT then you'll also be arrested.

    In Australia, good luck trying to sue the police for such a petty cause… It's a state government authority, hope you have a mountain of money and some good lawyers.

    Your cause is futile.

    Australian Road Laws:

    Giving way to police and emergency vehicles

    (1) A driver must give way to a police or emergency vehicle that is displaying a flashing blue or red light (whether or not it is also displaying other lights) or sounding an alarm.

    Penalty: 5 penalty units.

    Note 1 Emergency vehicle and police vehicle are defined in the dictionary.

    Note 2 For this rule, give way means—

    (a) if the driver is stopped—remain stationary until it is safe to proceed; or

    (B) in any other case—slow down and, if necessary, stop to avoid a collision— see the definition in the dictionary.

    (2) This rule applies to the driver despite any other rule that would otherwise

    require the driver of a police or emergency vehicle to give way to the driver.

    My bad ,i didn't notice the country you're from. I am from USA, it works totally different here. Police need legal reason to pull you over. Police can't just pull you over in USA.

  9. Initially I thought this thread was a joke until you posted the second time.

    Obviously something has triggered your stand off antics, care to share?

    I find your post very immature and quiet frankly you're posing a risk to the community. While not every call is timed critical there are on the odd occasion patients who require urgent medical attention in which seconds do count (i.e serious bleeding, cardiac arrest, sever asthma and so on) so by every immature and idiotic behaviour you display towards an emergency vehicle your denying a human being the right to live.

    We had a similar situation to what you describe a year or so ago, we reported this individual details to the police, this individual was issued with a fine and every time the police see this vehicle it is pulled over, the driver is given a license check, RBT and the vehicle is inspected for any faults – this still happens a year on.

    It takes two to tango mate, you play the game and will play back even harder.

    If they pull me over every time I would sue the police for civil rights violation. Ever hear of probable cause? As for why i am saying what i am saying, it's because it's the fact about asking for permission. An ambulance crew and fire truck are asking(demanding) permission to pass. Unlike police officer they can not issue a ticket. Also a police can't just issue a ticket unless he/she witness the violation and knows who was driving. It do not work like parking ticket which is issued to the register owner.

    BIG DEAL!!!! Are you kidding you obviously dont know how important it is when a Ambulance is going lights and sirens to the hospital they are in life threating condition. It is disrespectful not to mention selfish to not pull over and waste 30 seconds of your trip. By putting this post up you have showed how ignorant and self centered you are.

    Yes i agree i am an SOB and also very selfish person. SOB is my middle name for you information

  10. Its funny you bring this up. A crew from my service a few weeks ago took this unruly driver's license plate down and gave it to PD, not 3 hours later they went to his house and issued him a ticket. From what i heard the driver was a lot like you and would not pull over and made it extremely difficult for the ambulance to proceed. PD in my area does not put up with ignorant drivers such as yourself.

    I would fight it and easily win . Police officer got no proof who was driving the vehicle. Register owner is not responsible for the action of the driver. So unless they could id the driver, it wasn't me driving will get ticket dismissed.

  11. Unless every intersection has a red light camera or a police officer (doubtful), the red light is just a request to stop. I highly suggest that you treat it similarly to ambulances and fire engines and ignore it as well.

    That would be very stupid as cross traffic will hit me and it will be my fault. If an ambulance with lights gets in to accident usually they are at fault as they must wait till intersection is clear before proceeding.

  12. I guess that depends on what state you are in. In the State of Texas, it is a law...not a request.

    Texas Transportation Code - Section 545.156. Vehicle Approached By Authorized Emergency Vehicle



    (a) On the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle using audible and visual signals that meet the requirements of Sections 547.305 and 547.702, or of a police vehicle lawfully using only an audible signal, an operator, unless otherwise directed by a police officer, shall:

    (1) yield the right-of-way;

    (2) immediately drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection; and

    (3) stop and remain standing until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed.

    Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995.

    Not to mention, the patient who is being rushed to the hospital for definitive life saving care, appreciates your courtesy in allowing the ambulance to pass.

    Big deal, an ambulance still can't issue me a ticket unless cop witness it and pulls me over.. So basically it still a request.

  13. All ambulance crew needs to understand that unless cop is around a siren on ambulance is there request permission to pass being that you can't issue a driver a ticket for refusing to get out of your way. As such it's the driver if he/she decides to let you through or not. Blasting your siren or using your pa is not going to get you around me as only thing it will do is get a middle finger from me. Writing my plate will not help you as an officer needs to witness the violation before he/she can issue a ticket being that an officer would need to pull me over to issue that ticket.

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