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Posts posted by syndrum

  1. Most selected medics have boycott'd the games in support of the BC paramedic strike.

    Food for thought

    Most selected medics have boycott'd the games in support of the BC paramedic strike.

    Food for thought

    For the LAST TIME...I'm not being offered a position as ANY type of medical person but as a games time host. Witht that said I 've also been a very active union member etc. Would not dream of scabbing. So lets put that one to bed. I trying to do the right thing and help out. I was offered a position way back in Novemeber of 2009! Plenty of time to acquire housing at a reasonable price...Tenting in the snow is no big deal, it's the 2-3 weeks without hot and cold water that would disuade me. I'm sorry if any of you readers got upset about the initial post. Eveeything I've read about the Vancouver Olympics seems a little jacked up. I've seen nothing in support from any natives. I'm probably going to pull the pin on the whole deal. It's a great disappointment though.I spent a year trying to get through the process. I thought it would be fun to help out with the only sports I really support....unpaid ones. The political climate in B.C. seems a little on the warm side. I could go on. Now you can all calm down...wqe need to watch that blood pressure out there.doctor.gif

    The more agro I get the worse my spelling

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