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Posts posted by hardcoreemt

  1. Instead of bitching about how bad this show was why don't we rid our proffesion of the undesirables that were portraid on the show ?

    What they don't exsist ?

    It was just Hollywood ?

    We all know they exsist and yet very few of us ever speak out against the behavior.

    I did not like the show at all but I am not about to say it was all Hollywood and the stuff we all saw on the show dosen't exsist.

    The NAEMT voiced their disapproval of the show but when are they going to disapprove of the behavior by persons in our proffesion that the show depicted ?

    When is the NAEMT going to suspend a providers certs for sexual misconduct,public drinking, falsifying a report.......etc.

    This show should be a wake up call to our chosen proffesion that it is time to clean our own houses.

  2. I thought this show was pretty cloe to accurate.

    The technical aspects were pretty far off but in reality does the public understand the technical stuff ?

    The show is not for EMS providers, there is not enough of us to have a ratings base and why the hell would we want to see that on TV when we see it everyday, it's for the general public more specific males 18 to 49 who don't know the technical aspects of EMS but they know sex and action.

    The EMS characters were dead on.

    The male ALS provider with an ego from hell, does anyone here not know one of those ?

    The female EMS provider screwing around, do we not know one of those ?

    The male EMS provider with marriage problems because of an affair, ever see one of those ?

    The new guy catching hell because he is the new guy, anybody here ever done that ?

    EMS providers drinking after the shift is over, anyone here not ever thrown back a few ?

    The producers of the show did a little research, they didn't just pull the characters out of the blue, they are a snapshot of EMS providers that will draw viewers in on prime time network TV.

    The characters that are missing is the family guy, the religious guy, the burnt out guy,the by the book guy,the newbie with the batman utility belt,the scared guy,the save the world guy,the cranky old guy, the drug stealing EMS provider, the guy that aint got a clue, the guy with the substance abuse problem, the provider that really cares and does his job well and the crooked supervisor.

    I don't agree with the show's character selection of EMS providers but the bed was made by us and our moments of stupid behavior by either doing the things we saw on tv or condoning it by going along to get along.

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