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Posts posted by jess_f

  1. I realize this thread is 2 months old but I feel a need to put in my .02 worth.

    I started my EMTB class about the middle of July last year. My class had 44 people in it on the first night. I graduated with 11 other people in January. I don't remember what number I was in class. I did pretty good in the class but I haven't passed the NR yet. I learned a lot in the truck when I was doing my 3rd rides. I learn better and it sticks with me better hands on. Even though I graduated class in January my school still lets me do 3rd rides. My school was also at the EMS station where we did our 3rd rides. I still learn stuff. I have had the pleasure to ride along with some great paramedics. After all the calls the paramedic asks if I have any questions and we review what we did. I feel more prepared now for NR then I did when I took it the first time. During class I the majority of calls were transferring patients from the hospital in tahlequah to tulsa. Since I've been out I have been able to work several car wrecks, a couple of drunk people calls, 1 mental behavioral call, 2 seizure calls. One of them was a 3year old girl having seizures. I had never seen someone seizing before my class. I even have a 3rd ride comming up in the morning.

    One thing I noticed I was doing during my NR test, and like they have said before here, is I was over analyzing the test questions. It seems easier for me to think of my treatment in the field with the patient in front of me. The paramedic will tell me if I'm right or wrong. If I'm wrong they will say..."well lets try this instead. Like I said earier they review the call with me.

    I'm about to retake my NR in December when my wife gets out of school for her Christmas(she is going for RN).

    What I'm getting at is don't give up because ya didn't pass the first time. How many people wouldn't be where they are today if they gave up on their first time. I'm sure there are alot of great medics now that didn't pass on their first time.

  2. Hello all!! I'm currently a student of the Cherokee Nation EMT-B program in Oklahoma. I've wanted to do First Responder since I was in high school, but I have an opportunity go farther. Half our class doesnt have our books because we are waiting on career services, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions.

    Anyways...I look forward to learning from ya'll....

    Jess F.

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