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Posts posted by stridor

  1. The world is full of people who take advantage of the system. That does not mean that the system is flawed - it means that our society and human nature are. If the question is "what can we do about it?", the answer is quite clear. Nothing!

    The social safety net is there for people who deserve it. Tightening it up will simply squeeze out those who need and deserve the services. The twelve children of the fat, lazy, and opportunistic mother are not to blame - they still deserve to be treated with skill and dignity. Where do you draw the line to decide who is worthy?

    Once you start drawing lines in the sand you will find that nobody is happy with where it is, and the discussion will still be there, and just as acrid. Who do we deny treatment to? Who do we deny transport to?

    Yes, it upsets me still to know there are parasites in our system. It is a human nature issue, not a racial one.

    I never commented on the racial issue so I will now, we are all equally worthless, every race has people who abuse the system;

    and yes, the system is flawed. From the doc's that sign a medical neccessity form knowing they are full of $hit to the system that makes them so desperate to get a patient out of the hospital that they will commit medicare fraud, all the way down to the emt's who transport and write false narratives so that the ambulance company can be paid for the trip. I don't draw any lines, you call I haul, never said any different if you will reread my posts. Never said anything needed to change, just said I don't like it. Treated with skill and dignity? for what? There isn't anything that falls within my scope of practice to treat, I'm not a personal trainer, nephrologist, geriatric specialist, transplant surgeon, undertaker (since I transport dead folks too) or any of the myriad of other specialists my patients might need. I just transport, and while I do judge just like we all do, I keep the verdict to myself. And my final comment about letting someone else break their head about it and more than anything else, do your damn job, that would be my version of the answer to your question, "What can we do about it."

  2. Obviously you enjoy paying taxes that go to take care of the people we're talking about. I suggest you re-read THbarnes post.
    I could tell you all aabout how medicare pays for the folks who are too fat to walk to ride an ambulance to the dentist, the sleep disorder clinic, the dialysis clinic etc. if that makes you feel any better. The reality is that there is waste, fraud and abuse in every level of this industry and you will go nucking futs trying to make any sense of it. Screw it, just take the f**kers to the doctor, dentist, hospital, bar, wherever they want to go and collect your paycheck. You get paid one way or the other, you would have to pay the tax one way or the other, and they will get where they got to go one way or the other, let somebody else break their head over it.
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