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Posts posted by tgransbury

  1. JeniF371: I got ya, dont get me wrong, Im going into the same profession hell the same curriculum if you havent noticed :) The only thing I meant by taxi driver is that some may never get the outside or extended education, may never do anything other than grab some vitals and get behind the wheel. The EMS system out here is still strongly linked to FD's and alot of PTs only see the brute force of a FF and wonder how they can expect a fire-smelling big burly dude to help them. Ive got nothing against the calls we recieve, if you were to ask the PTs when they finally hunker down and admit to needing EMS its ALWAYS an emergency... doesnt matter what for.

    The nurses around here (Indy) are the same as the PTs, they dont expect us to be able to do anything more than deliver the wounded, they still see FF's driving the ambulances more often than not (which isnt a bad deal so long as the FF is trained and proficient in his/her EMT skills) which is why they dont 'need' us getting all the extended research and information nessessary. They double back and get their own stats anyway and think what we did was a waste of time.

    Yea, dust helped me understand a bit more of the perceptions of EMS, he and brentoli have good advice to give and its been taken into account. Ill let you know when I get to IUPUI, I dont know how far in you are right now but when I get there you ought be about half a year ahead.

    Good luck, have fun, be safe.

  2. I prefer to tell the jokes, not live em. :) -- Thanks for the insight, I looked into it a little bit more and you're right, Dusty, Ill need a bare minimum of general biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics to be more than an EMS taxi driver. Ive got a little bit of financial freedom through my dad's veteran disability benefits at 124 credit hours covered, but other than that Im looking for a job that allows for in the field training and a reliable paycheck (hence EMT school) while in Med school.

    Im already enrolled at IUPUI Ive just got to get the schedule in the works, I still have 8wks before schedules are finalized for students. If its possible to avoid the stairstepping Im all for it but it seemed to be the best way to get infield experience to know what the EMS side of operations goes through.

    Whatever the path, I will do it well. Just need to get it into focus. Lots of options, lots of routes, they all sound good to me. Im happy with going paramedic and gaining experience through that route, but Im also happy going straight into college and focusing on the MD portion, the goals remain the same. Im still thinking that going Paramedic while in school would be a good idea, both from the educational and financial aspects. Although it may end up just wearing me down being in a near constant medical setting I suppose. Input on that particular route?

  3. Its being taught by Hendricks Regional Health but we're being taught at the Plainfield FD.

    Dustdevil: I understand that nothing can replace a college education and as soon as I know what kind of schedule Ill be looking at here in the near future I can plan around it to the extent that Ill have a new job and either medical school or medical based classes as soon as possible. Im wanting to go the path of EMT > Paramedic > RN > ER Doc, still researching and getting the nitty gritty down on what all is involved, prerequisites, etc... Hopefully to help myself along Ill be going for my ACLS, PEPP, AMLS, and PHTLS certs within the next few months.

    Im not ignorant but Im definately a greenhorn when it comes to this stuff, so lemme know what you think, or what could help out more in the meantime, if school is whats going to do it then rest assured Ive got that coming up soon after the state practical for EMT-B

  4. What's up? My name is Ted, Im 22, and Im currently in training to be an EMT-B in Indianapolis, IN. Im about 4 weeks into it and just scheduled my first round of clinicals and ride-alongs... Im very excited to be a new part of this community and hope to get to know you guys and gals pretty well along the way. Trust me when I say I'll ask for and appreciate every bit of help offered. Im a quick book learner and a patient student although until I get a decent base of info to be comfortable Ill be taking it slow. So far I think my biggest area of concern is just going to be finding my place in the ambulance and ER as a Basic. Ill be in the scenarios section for the most part, but getting to know all of the acronyms is going to keep me busy for a bit. Ive got to learn the routines, the 'default' treatments to certain signs and symptoms, etc... but I suppose that will only come with time and experience, eh?

    Good luck, Have fun, be safe! Ill see you on the streets!


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