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Posts posted by aebrown37620

  1. Love your eloquence! You are definitely a firecracker & out spoken...LOVE THAT QUALITY IN A PERSON!! I want to sincerely thank you for your advice. I have definitely gained some useful knowledge and insight.

    As for the level of EMT that the EMT-IV Tech is, I know that it is above an EMT-B (or EMT-85....jeez, too many different titles!!). The area that I work is EXTREMELY rural and the vast majority of the fire depts. & rescue squads are strictly volunteer. To become paid personnel with EMS or EMA, you must either be an EMT or Paramedic. However, there are a few fire depts. that have paid firemen, but they are the larger cities.

    Where are you a Paramedic? How long have you been doing this? Again, thx for the advice. I will keep you posted with my progress.

    As for study time & my family, they have been very understanding and supportive of my decisions so far. Both of my kids are young, but currently in school. Since the classes will be during the week at night, I will have ample opportunity to study my tail off during the day while they all are away. I want to succeed in this field and always give everything I do 110%, and this will be no exception. One major difference between me now & 12 years ago, is if anything, my concentration and study habits have improved. Not sure if it is the maturity or the fact that I am doing this for myself, but school is much easier now than then. Rest assured, I am the type that always has to know why something is done so as for just learning the skill will not be my style. The who, what, when & why will have to be explained to me and I will have to understand before I will be satisfied.

  2. Sorry for omitting the info. I have a B.A. in Business. However, that was not my first choice of a major. I was originally in for a B.S. in biology, but instead of pushing on through, I let peer pressure take over my decision and opted for an easier major. I have kicked myself many times over the years for switching majors when I was more than halfway done. Again, that was a young & dumb mistake. Now 12 years later, I regret my decision. I have already had Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Advanced Math, Biology. I took both of my biologies on an accelerated program as well as Calc A and Chemistry. They were not easy, but I pulled A's in all except for Calc A and ended up with a B.

    Again, I am not trying to rush things, but I am a wife & a mother of 2 young boys. We own our own business, but I am doing this for me. I have always had a desire to work with emergency medicine, and knowing myself, I will probably go on to Paramedic school. However, in our area, they encourage you to go on and get your EMT-99 (which is the EMT-IV Tech), get hours under your belt, then choose whether or not to go on further. My question is, if I will get the same education under a accelerated EMT class vs. the regular 10 month program, and will come out with the exact same skills and understandings, why shouldn't I do it? This is offered through a college.

    In the county I am working in, there are 2 paid levels- EMT-IV & Paramedic. No longer a basic EMT. As for where I am at, I am in TN.

    Since I am in the wrong forum, where should I be? I thought this was the one for taking the test chats. That was one of my original questions if you will look back--Advice on the NREMT First Responder test.

  3. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR ADVICE & PLEASE KEEP IT COMING!! I am currently a volunteer at a local rescue squad and absolutely love what I do. However, the first responder level does not give me the total satisfaction that I am seeking due to my local protocols. As for the question that Dust posed about what an EMT-IV tech is...it is an advance level trained EMT with additional training with intravenous procedures. I am still tossing the idea of becoming a Paramedic around. I do know that I want more in depth ability to provide the best patient care possible. In the past years, I have taken many tough accelerated courses and did extremely well. The amount of hours that this class requires (even in accelerated mode) is still equal to the 10 month regular class, but is in a much shorter period of time...3 months to be exact. The exact same material, I am told, is taught.

    My field skills are very good and everything this far has came very easy & natural for me. One of my partners at the squad is making sure that every practical skill I have had this far has been done to highest standards. So far, no problems. I have exceptional study, practical & retention habits.

    Again, I really appreciate all of the advice. One thing that I have learned quickly, there are some of the kindest and most helpful people in this line of work. Everyone has offered their support. Its almost like a VERY BIG family with common interests....helping those who need it! :P

  4. I am prepping to take the NREMT First Responder Exam and wonder if anyone out there has taken this yet? I have done extremely well on all of my class tests, the majorit 90%+, but have heard this test is a bear. Anyone got any tips?

    Also, planning on enrolling in an accelerated EMT-IV program that will run January-March. Is this a wise decision? Anyone that give give me some pros & cons will be greatly appreciated.


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